The comeback

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She was a good woman, she lived in Italy where the general house where everything began, the story of the sisters of the sacred face. The convent was close to the Vatican and there were about 100 sisters from various countries, almost 20% were from elderly sisters, and with the general mother there would be 2 other interpreters who spoke Korean well to help in communication, some sisters here had the domain of the Italian language, but not all, for example I would try to risk a few words, but would be the first time I would meet the general mother and would I be ready for this visit?

Amber pov

I had been here for so many years that I was locked in this sacred place, nine years without being able to see my beloved Krystal, it was difficult, it was difficult not to be close to me all these years, I tried to content myself with just one photo I kept for all those years with me, the letters I received from her, I was glad to know how she was, she always said she loved me, and I could not wait to be with me again, there were times when those words were hard and sometimes I was comfortable knowing that she was still thinking of me.

The closure was a hard life, and at least for those who had no vocation to be among the mountains, taking care of the gardens twice a week and teaching the primary, this at least distracted me, because it was something I loved, give class made me leave the world of reasons and sadness of the feelings that consumed me to nine years.

When I heard about the death of Maria Maria Kim, I was without a floor, what would become of me going forward, she was and it was like a mother for me to lose her so it made no sense to me, I liked her very much and she always kept my secret and of Krystal, was a kind woman, deserved everything good in this life and all my respect, when one of the sisters gave me the news about her death, I locked myself in my cell and cried for long nights, wanted to go from there to meet because I knew she was suffering too, but I could not, the death note prayers came at four in the morning, it was so cold that I could barely make my legs feel shaky, my mouth beat in my trembling teeth, and I was wondering why God had done this to me and could be being very bold with this question, but I was devastated, but news had made me happy in the face of all this, after these nine years I would find Krystal again. sister Giovanni Saba I told her that she was my novitiate educator, a strong and kindly and very intelligent nun who helped me with her studies and became attached to me. I admired her very much. In the chapel she told me that we would go on that trip to the Mother Superior's wake that morning. and that Mother General would be coming to Korea for the wake and to make the Canonica visit among the sisters, my heart almost came out of my mouth, so much happiness, it was the opportunity I needed to see my beloved, I did not want it to be that way. sad, but I could not deny it, I needed to see her in person, touch her to smell her, kiss her and this was the opportunity to also say the decision she had made, that it was time to take our course, our love for the world, I could not stand being locked anymore, I was there in the religious life for her sake only for her, but I had to say, '' Krystal let's be happy, let's go to the world that awaits us, I want to propose marriage ''

This was what he most wanted to tell her, to be with her to death.

We finished the prayer hours and went to pack my suitcase, wondering if I would go back to sleep in this cold cell of which I always thought of Krystal and wrote my letters to her and read the letters she wrote me, and finally I could take that habit of cloister that I used all this time, was heavy and uncomfortable, did not like him, the luck that being in Seoul again could use the normal habit.

I looked at the clock that marked six thirty in the morning all the sisters were ready to travel, the bus parked near the convent and all the sisters went silent, I wanted to hold the cry but at the same time I was happy that I was going to see Krystal again.

Krystal Pov.

Some of the sisters were in prayer vigils, and I was one of them, I stayed from 1 am until now awake in the vigil, Sister Sulli appeared in the chapel to exchange with me and asked me to rest, but before she gave me some news she had been waiting for so long.

_Krystal is going to rest for a while, you spent some time here with her, you can rest for a while, if you want to have a coffee and then lie down, before I forget the sisters of Sao Jose arrived at 11am today, and from here Little is coming to Mother General, Sister Sun Hee with Sister Mary has already gone to the airport to get Mother General with the other sisters who come with her, but rest, take a shower.

"Yes, sister Sulli, I'll take some rest, thank you for calling.

I left the chapel and went straight to my cell with a smile on my face, I was not believing, I would see my beloved Amber, after so many years without being able to see her, just writing the letters, but I was not being able to miss her, I quickly entered the shower, bathed in a different way, had used the best fragrance I had stored for a special moment, and that was the moment I passed through my body, and water fell mingling with the smell of the bifasifo oil I had gained from my Mother, I was massaging my skin and I remembered the kisses and touches that Amber gave me until I could feel her touches real, I longed for her kisses and remembering the nights of love we had was the only way to feed the strength of holding some more. years and be able to reconnect it and that day has arrived.

Amber Pov.

The bus arrived in front of the house of the sisters, the convent that welcomed me, the convent that I could know the love of my life, my heart was distressed and at the same time full of joy, I would see her again but see now the mother's coffin, the one who took our secret to the grave. I helped some of the sisters get off the bus, and all in silence, as we entered the front door, I found Sulli received all of us with open arms, and when she saw me she began to cry, she was happy to see me after so many years, now I was a novice, about to make the first vows, but whatever was up to me, and the conversation I would have with Krystal, that day would not come, I looked at the wooden door where the walls of the cloister were waiting for Krystal to leave through that door, the sisters all gathered together there, others wept for the loss, but I just looked towards the cloister door, until I could not resist and left without the sisters did not notice and I went I went to the wall of the cloister, I went in search of her, I saw the cells with the heavy wooden doors, and there was a black lead and a perfume that made me drunk, the sound of the key locking her cell, she was thinner, she could see clearly the curves of her body on the habit, her pale face the deep dark circles of badly sleeping nights, I thought, but she was still beautiful, when she turned her face towards me, we stood there looking at each other.

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