I was accepted

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Finally we were in December, incredible as it seems the months went by, I do not know if it was because of the classes and the end of the semester, the students were looking forward to the end of the school year and finally going to their homes to stay with the Family, only some children who lived in a part of the convent orphanage that were not so excited, because they spent Christmas with the sisters, one especially that always was behind me and had an absurd intelligence, little Alice she had 10 years eyes Green and mysterious and the most beautiful smile that will ever come, she always liked to challenge me and it seemed that she liked math a lot and always told me the same thing, that she would be a math teacher and that she wanted me to be her mother that I Adopted.

I laughed and had already an attachment for her had no way, did not fall in love with little Alice.

Sometimes Alice made me forget a little of Krystal that the months without her seemed like an eternity, the more I knew Alice, the more I wanted to be part of that family, the sisters of the sacred face, so it was then after much thinking and reaching the conclusion That I could not live far from Krystal that I decided to talk to Mother Maria Kim, to ask for her permission to enter the order.

I knocked lightly on the door and heard her calm voice begging to come in. On seeing me, she smiled from ear to ear.

"What can I do for you, Miss Liu?" "Sit down.

I approached her desk, and she looked at me with that big blue eyes and all maternal, I sat down taking a deep breath and said.

"Mother, I made a decision that I can not help myself from and wanted your help, your advice." I finished, looking surprised at me.

"Are you going to leave us Miss Liu?"

"No, Mother, I'd like to join the order, what do I have to do?"

The mother became serious and her gaze was still for a moment, she did not seem to believe what she had just heard, she got up and paced back and forth.

-Hmmm good teacher Liu, because she came to this conclusion, the life of celibate is not easy young girl, has ups and downs and many sacrifices, and God gives us a vocation, which we are gradually discovering, you are an excellent teacher, She's young, beautiful, I think I should have a love for her. "When she said love, my thoughts came to Krystal's face that made me blush." ​​I do not think you want to spend years and years dedicating your life to the poor sufferers and several nuns Working on a habit my young.

_Mother since I arrived here, I was enchanted with this way of life, I did not know much about the religious life and its customs, but I learned a lot from you and I feel happy here realized, I want to be able to be with all of you and help in whatever I have no one to visit, my parents have not seen them for a long time, I do not know anything about them, I only have one friend who is in the hotel and I was happy to see them. I've been thinking about it, wanting to join you, I did not want to let you like Mrs. Madre very much and I wanted to help being one of you, can I?

She stared at me in silence and I kept thinking that she would not authorize me, it would be very difficult to leave everything so taofacil, it was a radical life full of trials, even thought it would be a bad idea, but it was the only way to be close to Krystal to And I loved her very much to let her go.

The mother got up from her chair and came to me and said.

_If you feel in your heart that you should join us, who am I to prevent ... Welcome to our family, my young lady.

Mother hugged me tightly, a hug that I would never forget, and I felt welcomed, I could not stop thinking about Krystal I could be doing something wrong, but I loved her and could not bear to stay away from her.

"Well, then you will be one of our postulants, you will have to change your clothes, your hair will not be a problem, you will be well dressed for the postulants, have you thought about that?

_For me there is no problem, Mother, it will be an honor.

_Your duties will continue as a teacher, her schedules will change, she will start praying with us and we will see a room in the cloister, we have two new postulants that arrived this Sunday and we will make their entrance with you with the novices, that is, you will enter Officially in the order on the same day as the definitive vows of the novices, we always did so-I was very surprised at what she told me, I would enter the order with Krystal and in my heart told me that I was not to tell her about my "Any doubt, Miss Liu?"

"No Mother Superior, I wanted to thank you for everything, I have you as a mother.

And I hugged her almost crying, my heart was happy and I did not mind having to live a life full of rules and obdo to them, I did not mind having to wear dress, alias never imagined wearing dress, but I did not care was for Krystal who She was doing it, it was only for her.

Finishing Notes

And then, I hope so, I hope so.

Wait for the next chapter.

Hugs from Miss Miyagi.

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