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When I was a little girl, my siblings and I flipped through old books that my parents had on the shelves of our homes' library. Though I couldn't read like my older siblings, I found interest in the strange pictures that graced every page. Curiosity struck me as I came across a split frame picture that was the same, but held an obvious difference. This difference was that one side was light and the other was dark.

"Mommy, Daddy what's this?" I asked.

"That, my dear, is a picture depicting Assiah and Gehenna." explained my father.

This only lead my siblings and I to give our father a confused look. He tried to come up with an easier explanation for us. When he couldn't think of one, he looked to his wife, who as usual, had the answer.

"Do you remember when we talked about opposites?" asked my mother.

"Yes!" said my siblings and I.

"Well." she continued. "Like other things in the world that is considered opposites, the world itself has an opposite."

"Like good and bad?" asked my sister.

"Yes babygirl."

"The lighter side is Assiah. That is the world of the humans. The darker side is called Gehenna. That is the world of the demons." explained my mother. "It is the latter that exorcists like your daddy and I fight against."

"So, can we be exorcist?" asked my brother.

"We were hoping that you three will follow in our footsteps and make us proud." said my dad with a smile.

Not long after that my sister and brother began their training and like clockwork, I followed suit.

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