The Japan Branch of the Knights of the True Cross

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*Yukio's POV*

Since the incident last month, there have been a lot more students that have been added to the exorcist classes. It's good in its way, but it'll be awhile before they're combat ready.

"All teachers from the cram school are needed in the headmaster's office immediately." said a voice over the intercom.

"Okay class, please talk among yourselves quietly." I said.

As I made my way to Mephisto's office, I thought to myself.

'I wonder what Mr. Faust wants?'

When I arrived, the other teachers were present. As I joined the group, Mephisto began to talk.

"As you all know, we are severely understaffed since the incident last month. I've called around to the other branches and received no response until I sent word to the U.S. Branch. They agreed to send seven of their strongest."

"Why only seven?" asked Mr. Tsubaki asked himself.

"I'm handing out copies of their profiles and you can see for yourself."

"GASP!!!" We responded.

The profiles had a clear markup of the team, including their basic information and their pictures. Just from looking at the pictures, I could tell that the U.S. Branch was highly diverse. Karl Rhodes, African American, Senior First Class, Jacob Parks, Korean, Senior Second Class, Heath Night, Caucasian, Senior First Class, Kimberly Tines, Hispanic, Senior Second Class, Jasmine White, African American, Senior Second Class, Claudia Hill, Caucasian, Senior First Class, and Raula Strife, African American, Senior First Class.

"As you all can see, they're all ranked within the senior class. The strongest among them is a fifteen-year-old girl. Her profile is the last one. As you can see her immense strength level has earned her the distinct nickname "Lady Death."

I flipped all the way to the last profile and familiarity struck.

"I know her." I said.

"Please share." said Mephisto.

"She comes from the well-known Strife family. Our parents were close friends and we became friends when she made the trips with her family. We lost touch by the time we were ten, I always wondered what happened to her."

"I see." Mephisto said. "Well, you two will have an opportunity to catch up as she'll be teaching alongside you. They will be arriving next week, so be sure to welcome them. That's all for today. You may return to your classes."

As I walked, a memory flooded into my mind.


"Rin! Yukio! I have some guests I would like you to meet!" called Shiro.

The twins ran outside the church to find their father talking to a family with four children.

"Boys, these are the Strife's from America. They're close friends of mine, please be respectful to them."


"This is Mr. and Mrs. Strife, their oldest daughter Clara, their oldest son Marcus, this is Raula, she's your age, and the youngest child, Sora."

"It's good to meet you." said the Strife's in unison.

"Let's go in to talk. Boys can you keep Raula company as she is your age?" asked Shiro.

"Let's go play!" shouted Rin.

"Okay." Raula said shyly.

Rin dragged her so fast that she dropped the stuffed bear she was holding.

"Oh no!" said Raula stopping in her tracks.

"I got it." I picked it up and handed it back to her

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"You play too!"


~*End of Flashback*~

I blushed at the memory. I had forgotten how I thought she was so pretty even at that age.

'I can't believe that I get to see her again.' I thought to myself as I reentered my classroom.

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