Hidden Secrets

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*Raula's POV*

As I sat down and closed my eyes, I traveled into the far recesses of my mind to talk to my other self. When I open my eyes, I'm standing in beautiful garden in front of a mirror. Just as I arrive, my reflection starts to ripple as a black butterfly landed on the mirror.

"Hey, are you there?"

As I asked, a seductive version of my voice begins to speak.

"Yes, I'm here. What do you want? I know you're not here for tea and a chat."

"You're right. I'm on a mission and the demon I'm facing is stronger than first thought. I can't do this without you."

"Why do you need me? Last I checked, you were strong by yourself."

"I know, but you are a part of me. Please switch places with me, take over my body and beat this demon."

"Okay, I'll help. It's good to see that you've gotten confident in your skills and that you trust me."

"Remember the deal, you only get my body until the demon is dead, then we switch back and I get full control of my body."

"Of course, but there is something I want to know. What about that boy you kissed, I saw that moment. How are you gonna explain it to him?"

"I'll be honest with him."

"Good answer. I guess it's show time."

With that we switched places (I'm in the mirror and she's outside of it). I can only pray that things go well.

*Narrator's POV*

The situation hasn't changed since Raula gave her last order. Everyone monitored the Lamia to make sure that it hadn't moved. While the others did that, Rin and Yukio were worried about Raula who was still sitting under the tree.

"Why don't we just go down and finish that thing?" asked Rin.

"It's too much of a risk. We can't even make a dent in it." Yukio stated. "Plus, it was her orders. She's the mission leader we have to listen to her."

Just then, a sickly, sweet giggle filled the air, everyone turned towards the sound and saw that it was coming from Raula. Yukio's eyes got wide when he saw Raula turn into something else other than human. She had sprouted large bat-like wings, an imp-like tail, and fangs. When she opened her eyes, they went from dark brown to gold cat eyes.

"Ms. Strife is that you?" asked Sheimi.

"Physically, but I'm in control for now." said Demon Raula. "Don't worry I'm not a threat to you guys, just my target. By the way, is that it?"

"It is." said Claudia.

"Gross, what an ugly dance partner. Oh well, what can ya do, but dance to the rhythm you've been given."

She bent down and picked up her scythe and handing her waist belt to Rin. As she walked away, Bon stopped her with the obvious questions that was burning in everyone's mind.

"What are you? Why is she like this? I mean, is everyone half demon?" asked Bon.

Demon Raula turned to face everyone and gave a short explanation.

"I go by many names. Possessed Angel is a lesser known one, but I'm commonly known as a Succubus. My mistress is half Succubus. It's a trait that only the women on mother's side of the Strife family have. Don't let this change your view of her. She's kind and she only does this if the lives of those she cares for are in danger. If you don't mind, my dance partner is waiting for me."

With that she flew down into the valley and made the first strike. When she took out its legs, it struck out with its tail. She dodged it and went for its head. With that, it stopped moving and Succubus Raula turned her scythe upside down and spun to the top of the handle to balance on it. She started to say a sealing passage that caused the ground underneath the now dead Lamia to glow with a red magic circle and caused it to disappear. Once it was over, a sigh of relief could be heard within the group on the hill.

"Yukio, can you help me with her?" asked Kimberly.

"Sure." said Yukio.

When they got to the bottom of the hill, they stopped when they saw Raula stumbling back and her demonic form began to disappear. She took one more step as her wings disappeared and she collapsed in front of the two doctors. They cautiously walked towards her and flipped her over.

"How do you know if she's completely back?" asked Yukio.

"Like this." said Kimberly taking out her penlight and checking her eyes. "As you can see, her eyes are back to their original color and her other demon qualities are gone. Can you carry her to the infirmary? I can help my team gather up the weapons. We'll be in to treat our wounds, you and your team can go ahead and leave."

He nodded as he carried Raula bridal style. He couldn't believe what she really was.

'Is this why you told me not to hate you?' He thought to himself as he made his way to his class. Just by looking at his class, he knew they had questions, but he couldn't answer them.

"Okay everyone, follow me to the infirmary so we can get everyone's wounds treated." said Yukio.

"What about her?" asked Konekumaru. "Surely, she's still a demon."

When Yukio heard that, he knew he had to control his anger. He was about to say something, but Rin beat him to it.

"She isn't! Can't you guys tell, Yukio's carrying her and she hasn't attacked us! Her other form told us that she does this when she is protecting something important!" Rin shouted. "I trust her, you guys should to."

Yukio was glad that they understood. Once they got to the infirmary, he placed Raula in a bed, then treated her wounds and everyone else's. As the U.S. team came back, they put the weapons down and treated their wounds as well. Both teams talked among themselves as Heath read the mission dossier.

"Raula's not gonna be happy when she reads this." He said looking at a now sleeping Raula.

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