Shit Got Real

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~Friday Night~

The night of the mission had arrived and Raula and the rest of the U.S. team were waiting for the others to arrive. She was staring at the mission dossier with a concerned look on her face. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. All week she tried to collect as much information as she could, but everyone she asked didn't give her the answers she was seeking.

"This is just plain irritating." Raula whispered to herself.

"What is?" asked Jasmine.

"This whole mission."

"Wanna talk about it."

"Sure." As her team gathered around, the cram school students arrived.

"Sorry for arriving late." said Yukio.

"That's alright." said Raula "I was just about to give a run down before we get started. As I was getting ready to say, this mission has too many unknown variables, so the danger level is very high. The only information I could collect is that it's nocturnal and is large in size. The damage area is immense and is located underneath this hill and into the valley below. Does anyone have any questions or concerns? If you would like to sit it out I won't hold it against you."

Everyone looked at one another and she continued.

"As you can see, this hill is serving as our base camp. We came here early to set up and as you can see, we tried to prepare for anything and everything. Tonight, you will also see that we will be testing newer weapons for our weapons division. Here, I have an earpiece for everyone." She handed out the earpieces out to everyone and she and her team helped the ones that couldn't get them in right.

"Are we all clear on the formation?"


"Good, because it's here."

As soon as she finished her summary, the ground began to rumble.

"Look alive people! Get to your positions! Cram school students stay back unless asked!" Raula began yelling out orders as she turned on four giant spotlights. "Arias, have your verses ready! Tamers, summon your familiars! Doctors make sure you're ready to take in the injured and have your poisons chosen! Knights move into your positions for close range attacks! Don't move until you are given the signal! Dragoons assigned to help me with the rocket launchers, take the shot as soon as you see it! Remember, you only get one shot! Make it count!" As she bent down to grab her rocket launcher, a Lamia came out of the ground. The three dragoons took the first shot and hit the Lamia with three rounds of holy water.

"Raula, those were highly concentrated rounds, right?" asked Keith.

"Yes. They didn't do any damage to it. Oh crap! This was a set up! Everyone move for close range attacks!"

*Yukio's POV*

I was shocked that U.S. Team could keep up with the changing situation. It was escalating quickly when Raula gave the last order and turned to us.

"Alright cram school. As you can see, this has gotten bad quickly and we're going to need your help. Use your training and find an opening to attack."


With that she ran towards demon with us behind her. I must admit, I'm surprised that the class was performing like a team, even Rin controlled himself. I ran beside Raula shooting at the Lamia, not even making a dent in its defenses. Ten minutes into the fight and everyone sustained injuries. This went on until Raula yelled for everyone to spread out and make their way back to base camp. What she did next wouldn't leave my mind for as long as I live.

*Raula's POV*

'I must do it. It can't be helped.' I thought to myself. We were facing a high ranked demon and standing on the losing end. I couldn't deal with it if we have casualties. I made my choice and gave the order.

"Everyone.... listen.... up" I say through labored breaths. "I.... want.... everyone.... to.... spread out.... and move back to base. I'll handle this."

"Raula, you don't mean that you're going to do that, are you?" asked Jacob.

"What's he talking about?" asked Rin "I don't get it."

"Please don't." said Heath "It's too dangerous. You remember what happened last time? You went out of control."

"I have to. It's the only way we can get out alive."

When we got back to the hill, I looked down at the Lamia that was currently in an uproar then turned my back and headed towards the tree behind me. Everyone from the cram school looked scared while my team looked concerned. I took off my waist belt and put down my scythe as I sat in a meditation position.

'Yukio, everyone, please don't hate me.'

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