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We sat in the church as we waited for the service to start. I couldn't believe Ms. Louise passed away. King and Haze looked like shit. This was their mother, she was the woman that raised them.

My sister sat in the front row next to King and rubbed his back. Haze was standing next to her casket just staring at her.

Ten minutes later the preacher came in and the service began. It was so melancholy in the building. I sat through that service and prayed for better days. I prayed for Louise's soul. I prayed for King, Haze, Kade and the unborn baby Liyah was carrying.

The doctors said her cancer had came back in a very aggressive way and she couldn't fight it. I know it was so hard for King to have had to find her passed out in her kitchen.

An hour later the service came to a close and we headed to the burial. She was buried with her husband and sons. Trey and I headed to our car after hugging the boys. I knew things would never be the same after that.

When we got home, I paid the babysitter and sent her on her way. Before I could sit down the doorbell rang. Trey answered and walked in the living room with his mom. "Hey Ms. Tina, what are you doing here?" I said hugging her.

"I went to Louise's funeral, that woman took me in several times when I was going through my shit!"

"I didn't even see you!"

"I'm glad Trey invited me over!"

"Really Trey, I'm so proud of you, I'm gonna cook us some dinner since we are here, would you like to hold your granddaughter?"

"Of course, what is her name?"

"Telia Tashawn Johnson, " I said back to her. I headed in the kitchen after passing Telia to her.  I took out something to cook and went to my bedroom to take this dress off. I was elated to have my mother in law in here with us. Trey definitely growing up!

I returned to the kitchen in leggings and a tank and got to work. I poured Tina and me a glass of wine as she sat across the island from me. I checked my email and I had an email from The Talk. They wanted me and my sister on set to be interviewed. I screamed because I was so excited.

I told Trey what was going on and despite the sadness today, things were looking up. I finished cooking dinner and made each of us a plate. I sat Telia fat ass in her high chair and gave her some Gerber graduates puffs.

We sat and ate as a family and I couldn't ask for nothing more. My sister and I were going on the Talk and my husband found it in his heart to forgive his momma. Hopefully we all could keep this family tight.


Haze and I walked through the doors of our home and he headed straight up the steps. I sighed because my man was hurting. She was gone by the time we made it to the hospital. They had to sedate King because he zapped out.

I felt even more bad for him, but the love my best friend had for him was never going away. She's been by his side since that day. Burying Louise took a toll on Haze and hopefully I could break him from this funk.

I headed up to the bathroom and he was knocked out on the bed. I threw a throw blanket over him and let him be. He hasn't slept this whole week and maybe this rest will put him at ease.

I changed from my clothes and decided to cook dinner. While I was preparing dinner, I called my best friend! "Hey," she said answering the phone. "Hey how is King and Kade?"

"They are asleep in Kade's room! King is still so out of it!"

"Poor thing, Haze is asleep as well."

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