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forgottengoner- Hi.

tyjo<3- josh!!

daldorocks!- JOSH

ryrorock!- hi j boy are you doing okay?

fran- j boy

peteweezy- shut the fuck up frank

geezy- woah wtf

geezy- dont talk to frank that way :(

pitpatpattywack- frank stole pete's oreos

geezy- omg

tyjo<3- all focus on josh

tyjo<3- hi fren please tell us how everything went

forgottengoner- im wrapped up and they called my dad to pick me up but

forgottengoner- he refused so they told me that i could stay here or stay with someone else

forgottengoner- they're also calling the cops

daldorocks!- what why

forgottengoner- i told them what my dad did in contribution to the people at school and he might b going to jail

ryrorocks!- wait so now you dont have a home ??

ryrorocks!- you can stay at my place if you want

forgottengoner- i'd really love to but i live in ohio

ryrorocks!- right

suspencer- uhhhhhH?

tyjo<3- josh why dont you come stay with me

tyjo<3- ill take care of you

tyjo<3- i promise

forgottengoner- no im not gonna waste your time tyguy

geezy- ty guy

geezy- yeah that one sounds better

jonswanson- what's josh's

tyjo<3- spook

tyjo<3- anyway

tyjo<3- you're not gonna waste my time what

tyjo<3- ill go to your hospital tomorrow to pick you up

tyjo<3- but i have no idea whqt you look like so

daldorocks!- i imagine josh as a soft boy who wears stripes and has natural brown hair

ryrorocks!- no way i see him with like blonde hair and blue eyes and a perfect toothed grin

fran- woah calm down hitler

ryrorocks!- omg stop you're gonna offend someone

tyjo<3- nah guys i see josh with like bright colored hair

tyjo<3- maybe pink

tyjo<3- maybe yellow

tyjo<3- and he has black gauges in his ears

tyjo<3- he has mocha colored eyes and the whitest pair of teeth you could ever imagine

tyjo<3- he also has a nose ring

fran- thats actually really descriptive and it's freaking me out tbh like that's a bit creepy

ryrorocks!- no it just means tyler thinks of josh quite a bit

daldorocks!- that's cute

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