Chapter Twelve

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I drove away from my house hesitantly as I left Bre there. I had to go handle buisness and I dont think I want her involved in it. Maybe when we get married Bre can count my stacks, other than that, I dont really trust her nosy ass. Earlier at the mall her ass was tryna pry information about where I was going.

I pulled up to the trap house and greeted the guard at the door ,Mouse. Mouse was big and wasnt scared to shoot if necessary. I walked in the trap and inside there was nigas smoking, rolling, talking, laughing and all. But aint nobody here working. Shaking my head.

I walked upstairs and head to the first room on the right. This door and the other door at the far end of the house was the only ones on this floor that wasnt locked. All other doors were locked and stayed locked and padlocked so nobody could get in through the front.

I walked in and there were some niggas rolling up some weed, and packaging it as taught. I walked to the next room which was connected by a door and in the next room there was some naked bitches rolling. Yeah, nowadays cant trust nobody. And the to the third room where there they was. My niggas, and i wasnt the one who was running shit, it was King.

Named like what he is, King Carter is one of the biggest Kingpins around . He been taught this shit since birth, when after his momma walked oit on him and his dad, trapping was all they could do.Its what he learned basically since birth. His dad died and he took the throne. Thats what you call a fucked up past


"Alright now that everybody is here, I got to let ya know whats in store for tonight." King said

"What we doing boss?" Blaze said

"Im sure we all remeber our lil homie Kidd who running shit on the North?"

King said

We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"Well that word goes around that he planning to take all my shit. And while he was down for the while, he went and threatened my girl. He held her ass at gunpoint talking out the ass." He says

"Aye man, aint Mi (MEE) pregnant with yo seed?" I said

"Yeah nigga she is. So this nigga put his whole life on the line. He threatened me, my kingdom, my girl, and my fucking seed!" He said as he started yelling and pacing back and forth.

"So today, all yall niggas is gonna go and make a statement. Cause havoc at his spot. So go back home change into ya gear and all. Be back in thirty minutes, cause my spies down there tell me he goin to Peaches tonight. "

Just hearing him talk made my blood boil. How the hell you fucking threaten that niggas everything. I swear if any nIgga went and threatened my seed, I would make sure I cacth him and beat the hell outta him. Torture him, till he begging for mercy. Then, I would set his ass on fire. Watch him burn to the ground. Then i would go to his funeral and shoot at his casket.

You dont ever fuck with a nigga seed. Out of everything, that should be your last resort. I rolled a blunt and smoked it with my niggas. All of us, loved to wreck shit. This was going to be fun as hell.


So Dre left me alone and I had no other choice but to invite Sadie over. I called her up and she was currently at a party. With Keira. So I had to invite Javier over, but instead of him coming alone, he came with Lorenna , knowing dam well i dont like the bitch.

After my shower i put on a white Tee and some shorts. I qiucky threw my hair into a messy ponytail and waited for them to come. Once the doorbell rung i ran to answer it. I swung open the door and there he was.

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