Better Judgement (Dan Smith/Bastille)

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~This is a new story but I've basically got the entire thing planned out so I will be continuing it, I hope you like it! Comment/vote/fan, love you~

'Today is not going to be fun' was the phrase I found myself repeating over and over in my head. Today happened to be the first day back at school and I was not looking forward to it. Being one of the most popular girls, you'd assume I was one of those complete bitchy air-heads. But in fact, you couldn't be more wrong. I was really smart, in top sets for all my subjects, which only one of my other friends are in with me. On second note, I am not a bitch. I don't gossip and I don't nosy into everybody else's business. It doesn't interest me what other people are doing, it's for them to know, none of my concern.

I did my usual routine, shower, hair, make-up, dress, eat, go. Today ran smoothly. I was dressed in my drab school uniform, a black skirt, which I made shorter, it can't hurt to be a little cheeky, can it? A white shirt, gold tie and a blazer. My hair was straight today, I wasn't in any mood to style it in any other way. I threw on a couple of bracelets and a pair of silver earrings and a ring.

After rapidly demolishing an apple and downing some juice, I found myself just around the corner from school. I instantly knew that my best friends were waiting for me at the gates. You could hear Isla and Isabel's laughs from miles away, and wherever they were, Zachary and Cade weren't far behind.

Turning the corner, all four of their familiar smiles hit me.

"Hey guys! Good summer?" I asked, hugging Zachary since he was closest.

"It was great! St Lucia is such a beautiful place!" I explained, grinning at my friends.

"Sounds cool I-" Isla was cut off by the sounding of the bell.

"Too English?" Cade smiled and held out his arm.

"Too English" I nodded and took his arm as we headed inside to English. Cade and I were in ALL the same lessons, which was great because I always have someone to talk to that I know. I don't really feel comfortable talking to people I don't know, so having Cade around is really great.

We took our seats on the back row in the corner. We sat here every year and nobody else dare sit here.

The teacher rushed into the room as the last bell rang. All the students were in the room, well most of them.

The door swung open and 4 final students sauntered in. The one at the front of the group was...different. He was smaller than average for a man, but his hair added at least 3/4 inches on. He had thick jet black hair that was messily quiffed vertically. It was different, but it suited him. He had icy blue eyes and black rimmed glasses. Before I could get a look at the other three, they were sat down a row in front of us, at the other end of the room.

"Harry Anderson, Jenson Blackwell, Jenna Cox, Alba Dawson"

"Here miss" I replied to my name. She reeled off the long list of names, passing a William Farquarson and a Kyle Simmons.

‘’Daniel Smith?’’ Miss Budgens turned around in her seat, her eyes scanning the room, only to spot ¼ of the new boys, with his hand in the air.

‘’Dan please, miss’’ He spoke. His voice was deep and smooth, with a tiny scratch ring to it.

‘’Of course, Dan’’ she turned back around, continuing the register. It ended with a Chris Wood, who preferred to be called Woody.

Through eye contact, me and Cade had come to a decision that these boys we’re not one’s we, or any of the others, were to mingle with. They were…slightly odd. I suppose that it was wrong of us to say, but someone has to run the popularity things around this school, and we got landed with the job.

Miss Budgens told us to collect a text book from the library at lunch, and apart from that, we should all get to know each other for this first period. I jumped out of my seat and slid over onto Cade’s desk.

‘’Hey there buddy’’ he grinned. I laughed and pulled out my phone. I had one text from Isla, complaining about the people in her English class. I don’t think I had anyone to complain about. I hadn’t had chance to look yet.

‘’Hey Alba, I didn’t know you we’re in this class!’’ I rolled my eyes at Cade who glared beyond me. I turned around to face Jake, my annoying ex-boyfriend who also happened to be captain of the football team.

‘’It’s always a pleasure Jake, but I’d prefer it if you and your…’’ I raised my eyebrow at the small group of boys crowded behind him before leaning back, ‘’gang, could go back to where you came from’’ I waved and Jake just flipped me off. Cade was sniggering behind me and I felt him tap me on the shoulder. I wanted to turn back around but my eyes were caught on the new boys. Two of them were sat on the back of desks, facing the other two. I couldn’t quite hear over the row of the class, but they we’re talking, and exchanging glances at various class mates.

I immediately averted my eyes and turned back to Cade when Dan’s eyes met mine. He turned back to his friends, saying something. I could tell they were all looking at me. I felt so awkward. He must’ve seen me staring. I bet he thinks I’m so weird. But I shouldn’t care what he thinks…and I don’t. Whatever.

The bell finally rang, thank God.

‘’Come on, ‘’I grabbed my back, and Cade’s arm, ‘’I need to get out of here,’’ I whispered, ‘’and away from him’’.

Better Judgement (Dan Smith/Bastille) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now