Behind Judgement

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~A/N this chapter sucks, I'm sorry. I had to have it in here because I couldn't just jump to tomorrow, which will be the next chapter. I'll upload tomorrow for definate se keep an eye out:) Thank ya x

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The rest of the day was average. Second period was maths, then history.

Cade and I met up with the rest of the guys in the lunch hall, as per usual. They were already there, sat at our usual table, in their usual seats. I sat down next to Isla, giving her a generous smile as I pulled out my lunch.

‘’So, how’s first day going so far?’’ I asked her, tucking into my pasta salad.

She sighed, throwing her head back.

‘’Dreadful!’’ I mentally prepared myself for a lashing of complaints and moans, ‘’There’s so many losers in all my classes!’’ and so it begins.

‘’I had the choir freaks in my English, those annoying jock type guys in my maths too. They sit behind me and just annoy the hell out of my by kicking my chair, throwing gum at me and just, ugh. Then in history I have these two new kids. I think they’re names are Kyle and Sam, or Dan or something, I wasn’t really paying much attention, they seem like weirdo’s’’ she shrugged and took a bite of her wrap.

‘’His name is Dan, there’s four of them, they’re all in my English’’ I rolled my eyes.

‘’All of them!’’ her eyes widened and she laughed slightly, ‘’they’re not too bad, I guess. They don’t really talk to anyone, only each other. And if they’re answering something, they’ll just all look to that Woody with the weird hair’’ She shuddered and I laughed, ‘’You’ve seen his hair though right? It’s like a…helmet!’’

We both giggled, our conversation going un-noticed by all the others.

‘’Hey’’ Isla nudged me and cocked her head to the left. I turned around and saw what she was looking at.

The four boys were sat together at a table, having lunch. I was surprised they got a table actually. Especially that one, that’s where the sports guys usually sit, maybe it was training day or something. I watched one of them put their book away, they then all left.

‘’Hey Cade, we gotta go to the library to pick up that book for English, remember?’’

‘’Oh yeah!’’ He stood up, tossing his rubbish into the bin and slinging his bag over his shoulder, ‘’Later everyone’’.

I also said my goodbyes and joined Cade. We walked to the library side by side, talking about people we hate and whether ‘hate’ is a relevant word or not.

When we reached the library, I knew where the 4 new boys were. Right here. I looked at Cade who just laughed. I dumped my bag on one of the sofas and walked over to the cabinet where the new boys were heading. I reached it first, scanning the shelves for the book Cade and I needed.

‘’Excuse me, could you pass me a book please?’’ A voice from behind me questioned. I had just took out two copies for me and Cade.

I turned round and saw Dan, I raised one eyebrow, ‘’you have hands, don’t you?’’.

I went and sat down with Cade, handing him the book. He began to talk, I dropped out and my focus went on listening to the new boys conversation in the corner. I heard Dan quote what I’d said to him, in an overly high-pitched girls voice. The rest of them just laughed, I heard various insults directed at me. I tuned out and turned my attention back to Cade.

‘’Alba? Albaaaa!’’ he dragged out my name.

‘’Huh? What? Yeah I like your hair today’’ I stared at him blankly. He just laughed.

‘’Whatever, come on you’’ He smiled and I followed him out the door, having a feeling four pairs of eyes were judging me from behind.

Better Judgement (Dan Smith/Bastille) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now