Chapter 7

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Adam was discharged the morning. I am going over there in a few minutes. I can take the car today since my parents don't have to work today. I take all the work Adam has to catch up and walk down the stairs. My parents aresitting at the table eating their breakfast. I put the bag down and sit down at the table. I grab a plate and some food. "Where are you going?" my mother asks. "I am going to work on school work with a friend," I reply. It is the truth, but I just leave out the part of the friend being Adam. I don't want another speech about how I have to stay away from him. "Does this friend have a name?" she asks. "Oh wait, I think I know who this friend is. It is Adam, right?" she says with a sound of anger in her voice. "Yes, but before you say anything you have to know that he needs the work he missed so he can catch up. If you force me not to go he won't get it," I say. I know she doesn't care about that, but I do. "You can take the work, but you will come back straight away. He is bad news and not good enough for you. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before you will grasp what you are doing," my mother says. My blood is boiling. "Adam is not bad news. He is a wonderful young man who respects woman. He treats me like a princess and will do anything to protect me. He is also the first guy I met who goes through hell all the time, but never uses it as an excuse not to do something. He lost his mother about two weeks ago, but still is positive. He got stabbed almost a week ago and didn't complain to me once about being in pain/ He is strong, brave and honest. That is the qualities I want in a man and that is exactly what he is. And for your information, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!" I say and get up from the table. I'm not hungry anymore. I just want to get out of this house now. I grab my bag and walk out of the door ignoring the shocked look on my parents' faces. I get in the car and drive towards Adam's house trying to calm down after what just happened. I finally reach the Davis residence. I park my car and walk over to the front door. I ring the doorbell and Mr Davis opens the door. "Thanks for coming," he says as he lets me in. "Adam is in the living room. I have to leave now. If anything happens just call me," he says and walks out of the door. I go towards the living room. Adam is lying on the sofa watching TV when I enter the room. His hair is messy and it almost makes him look even more handsome. "Morning Alison. You look beautiful today," he says and I walk over to him. "Thank you," I say and kiss him. He lifts his legs so I can sit down. As soon as I sit down he rests his legs on mine. "So, how are you feeling?" I ask as I grab a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the table. "The pain is better, but there is one thing I want you to do for me," he says. Now I am curious. "What do you want me to do?" I ask him. "Would you mind taking me to church. I would drive myself, but the doctor said I shouldn't drive on my own yet until the wound healed more. You don't have to do it if you don't go to church," he says. "I haven't been to church in ages. My parents stopped going a few years ago. I think it would be good to start going to church again," I reply. Adam smiles at me. "There is one condition," I say and Adam gives me a strange look. "You have to fix your hair first. I'm not going out with my boyfriend if he looks like this," I add. Adam laughs. "Sure," he says and slowly gets up. He heads down the hall towards the bathroom.

The church is quite big. The outside of the church is well taken care of. The grass is short and the garden is beautiful. There are stairs leading towards the head entrance of the church. The sound of gospel CD's create the perfect atmosphere. The inside of the church looks like every other church I've been to. We sit down in the middle of the church. Adam said that is where he and his dad sits. When his dad has to work he usually goes on his own. The church is filling up quickly while pastors make their way through the rows to greet the people. Family and friends greet each other before talking for a few minutes. Then they move on to the next person. Everyone here is so friendly. "Adam! You're here. I thought you were still in the hospital," a much older man says behind us. Adam stands up and turns around to greet the man. "I was discharged early this morning," he says. "We prayed for you as soon as we heard the news," the man says. He notices me. "Who is this beautiful young lady with you?" the man asks and smiles at me. I stand up to face him. "This is Alison. She is my girlfriend. I asked her to drive me. My dad had to work," Adam says. The man holds his hand out to greet me. "I am pastor James. It is very nice to meet you," he says. I shake his hand. "It is nice to meet you too," I say. Pastor James walks over to the next group of people. "He seems nice," I say to Adam just before we sit down again. "He is. When my mother became ill he came over a lot to talk to us and pray for her. He is the man who baptized me when I was a baby," Adam says. He takes my hand. He shows me everyone he knows and tells me about all the pastors. The lights dim and the music starts playing. Everyone stands up. I follow their lead. We praise and worship for about twenty minutes before pastor James walks onto the stage. The service is beautiful. Pastor James tells us about the miracles in the Bible. When the service is over Adam takes me to the hall next to the church. They have free tea and coffee after the service. I make us cups of coffee and we sit down in the corner of the room. "What did you think of the service?" Adam asks me. "I really enjoyed it. I think I'll come again next week. Maybe I can bring Derek with me," I reply. "My dad and I can pick you guys up from home and take you back afterwards," Adam offers. "That would be great, thank you. I'll ask Derek if he wants to join us," I say. I recognise quite a few people from school, but it doesn't look like they notice us.

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