Chapter 8

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Math is extremely boring today. We are revising the work from last week. My mind is far from the lesson. The intercom goes on. "Alison Matthews, please come to the nurse's office immediately," the voice says. That's strange. "You can go," the teacher says. I walk to the office as quickly as I can. Maybe something happened to Adam. The nurse approaches me before I enter the office. "It is Derek. Someone beat him up badly," she says. My heart sinks. "Is he okay?" I ask and walk closer to the office to go see him. "He isn't there. He looks pretty bad, but he will be okay. He is badly bruised and he injured his ankle. Mr Chambers is taking him to the hospital for a check-up as we speak," she says. "I have to get there," I say. The nurse grabs my arm before I can walk away. "He called your parents. They will go to the hospital. You should stay here. I just want to know if you know who could've done this. Derek doesn't want to say," she adds. I try to think of people who he told me about. He told me that the bullying stopped. "David gave him a hard time, but it couldn't have been him. I don't know," I say. I am furious. It is almost as if everyone I care for gets hurt. "Go back to class and try to focus. This is your senior year. You can't afford to miss class. Derek will be okay," she says. "Thank you," I say and head back to class. As I walk past Michael's desk I can see how bruised his knuckles are. It must've been him. It makes sense since his best friend is going to jail and I gave the police the lead. The best way to get back at me is by hurting my brother. I sit down at my desk and try to catch up. Michael turns around and gives me a strange look. It is a cold look filled with hate. What happened to sending me love notes while Adam was in the coma? The bell rings and everyone packs up as quickly as they can. No-one wants to spend more time in the Maths classroom than they have to. Michael stops in front of me blocking my path. "You are so proud of yourself, aren't you?" he asks. He looks cold and emotionless. The bruises on his hands drag my attention again. "At least I don't go around beating up innocent people. Before you assume that Derek told me, he didn't. I figured it out when I saw that," I say and point at his knuckles. "If I were you I would stay away from me and my friends. David was the least of your problems," he says and turns around. I watch as he leaves the room. That sounded like a threat.


I just got a call from the court. They want me in court tomorrow for David's case. They want me to testify against him. I don't want to go, but I have to. I get nightmares about that night all the time. Talking about it in court tomorrow will just make me think about it more when my biggest goal is to forget. I am home alone. My father didn't want to leave me alone, but I assured him that I will call him if I need anything. That convinced him to go. I am sitting at the dining table catching up the heaps of work I missed. Alison explained most of it to me yesterday and now I have to do all the exercises. The worst part is that I will have even more work every day I am stuck here. If I behave I might be able to go back on Wednesday. A text comes through on my phone. It is from an unknown number. It reads:

You and your girlfriend should stop interfering or Derek will not be the only one with a bruised body...

What does this person mean by Derek's bruised body? Alison didn't mention anything about Derek. I will call him to hear what is going on. I find Derek's number on my contact list and call him. The phone rings for a few seconds before a deep voice answers. "Who is this?" I ask. "It is Mr Chambers, Adam. Derek is getting x-rays taken at the moment," he says. Mr Chambers was my Science teacher last year. If Derek is getting x-rays taken the message must be true. "What happened to him?" I ask. "He was attacked at school. I found him and took him to the hospital. He is bruised and he hurt his ankle. He has pain when he breathes so it is possible that he has broken ribs too," he replies. "Does Alison know?" I ask. She would've said something to me if she knew. Maybe she knows, but didn't have time to call. "Yes, the school nurse told her. His parents are on the way to the hospital," he replies. "Please tell him that I am thinking of him and that we will talk later," I say. There is a brief silence. "I will tell him. How are you doing?" he asks. I am feeling much better today. The wound is healing. I will have a scar, but not a very obvious one. "I feel much better. I might be back at school on Wednesday," I say. "That is good to hear. Hopefully I'll see you on Wednesday. Bye," he says. "Bye," I say and hang up the phone. I really hope that all the drama is over after tomorrow.

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