Chapter 16

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It is almost time for the school day to end. I am anxious to go to the hospital to get the results. I didn't tell Alison that I had myself tested last night. If I am not a match, I won't tell her. If I am the doctor will call her and tell her that I am a match. A part of me is scared to do this, but a part of me will do anything to save her life. I look at her sitting across the room from me. She looks beautiful with her hair flowing across her back. She is wearing a skirt and matching shirt and her feet are resting comfortably in her pumps. I am a lucky guy to have a girl like her in my life. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It is Mrs Lewis. "There is a phone call for you at the office. They say it is urgent," she says softly. I get up and run to the office. "I'm here for the phone call," I say to the lady at reception. "Please come this side," she says and points to the other window. I walk towards it and a lady hands me the phone. "Adam Davis speaking," I say. "Hello Adam. This is the reception at dr. Klein's offices. He wants you to come in immediately," a lady on the other end says. "I will be there in fifteen minutes," I say and put the phone down. I run back to the class and throw my books into my bag. Mrs Lewis looks confused. I put my bag on my back and walk up towards her. "I have to go somewhere urgently," I say. "Go, it's fine," she says. "Thank you," I say and head towards the main entrance. I leave the building and go to my car. I get in and drive out of the gate. I must be a match. They wouldn't ask me to go there so quickly if I am not a match.

Exactly fifteen minutes later I burst through the hospital entrance. I run up the stairs towards the office and knock on the door. "Enter," the doctor says. I enter the room and sit down in front of him. "The tests came back. You are a perfect match, but there is a problem. The stabbing caused damage to your body. It is still weaker than it should be. This could be a risk in the surgery. You could have complications," he says. My heart sinks. "So I can't donate," I say. "You can, but it is very dangerous for you. The complications rate in your case in 30% and mortality rate is 10%," he says. "I still want to do it. The odds aren't that bad. I've been defying odds my whole life. I can do this and I will do this. I am 18 years old. I can make my own decisions," I say. "I can't stop you, but it is still up to Alison if she wants to accept the donation or not. I will arrange a meeting with them for a while later. You should be there too," he says. "I will," I say. I watch as he picks up the phone and calls Mrs Matthews. "Would you please come in with Alison as soon as possible. We have a match," he says. "We'll see you then," he says and hangs up. "They will be here in half an hour. You can go get yourself something to eat or drink while you wait," he says. "Thank you, doctor," I say and leave the room. I am a match! I can save her life, but risk my own. I have to tell my dad. I sit down at one of the tables in the cafeteria. I order a muffin and call my dad. "Hey, is something wrong?" he asks. "No, but I have to tell you something. Alison needs a liver transplant and I am a match. If they agree, I am going to donate a part of my liver to her," I say. There is a moment of silence before he speaks. "Are you sure you want to do this. It is a risky procedure. You could die," he says. "I am aware of it, but if I don't do anything, Alison will die," I say. "If you want to do this, I won't stop you," he says. It must be difficult for him to say that. "Thank you. It means the world to me to know that I can help Alison," I say.


I am walking home from school when my mom's car pulls up next to me. "Get in!" she says through the open window. I open the door and get into the car. "What is wrong? Did something happen to Adam?" I ask. He left earlier in a hurry. What is something is wrong with him? "No. There is a match for you. The doctor wants to see you immediately," she says. My heart races. It is a miracle. They put me on the list last night and I already have a match.

When I open the doctor's office door I immediately realise what is going on. Adam is the donor! That must be why he left early. I can't take a part of his liver. If something happens to him I will never forgive myself. I did research about organ donations and it is a risk. 24% of people who donate organs became ill themselves. Some even need their own transplant after the operation. There is a 0.2% mortality rate. I enter the room and give Adam a hug. Mom and I sit down next to him. "As you might have figured out, Adam is the match I was talking about. He got himself tested yesterday. You have to decide if you want to accept it or not. Just note that Adam injury puts him at a much higher risk for complications or even death," the doctor says. Now I feel even worse. The odds were already too high without his injury. "I can't let you do this. You could die, and then I will never forgive myself," I say. Adam takes my hands in his. "I want to do this. There was no way for me to save my mom, but I can save you. I wasn't even supposed to survive the attack, but I am still here. The operation will be fine," he says. He is trying to convince me to take it. "Can I have time to think about it?" I ask the doctor. "The longer you wait, the larger the tumour gets and the smaller chance there is to cure you with a transplant," he replies. This is very difficult. I almost was relieved that my family wasn't a match. That meant that I didn't have to make this decision. "Many people do this every day, Alison. I haven't heard of anyone who died from it. It doesn't happen that often. I can do this. Let me save your life," Adam says. I look at my mom. "What do you think?" I ask her. "I think that Adam is giving you the solution. It is your choice if you want to take it or not, but I think you should. I also know that nothing will stop him from wanting to do this. I wouldn't think twice about doing it for you. Nothing would change my mind, but I am not a match. Adam is. He has the ability to save your life," she says. Both of them have a point. It doesn't happen that often that someone dies from donating a liver. It is also very important to him, so he won't back down. "I will take it," I say. They look relieved when I say it. "We will schedule the surgery for next week Tuesday," the doctor says. It is in four days! "What should I do to prepare?" I ask. "Nothing. We just need both of you to book in Monday evening so we can monitor you to make sure that everything looks good. We will start the surgery at 9 o'clock in the morning," he says. Adam is still holding my hands. "Thank you, doctor," I say. I look at Adam. "You better not die!" I say and pull my hands loose to give him a hug. He holds me tightly for a few seconds. "I will try my best," he says as he lets go. "Book in Monday at 4," the doctor instructs. "We will," I say.

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