Chapter 11

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I could hear my parents fighting last night. It seems like my mother really is trying her best to be a better mother. I will show her that I appreciate it. I get up from my bed and walk towards her room. She is sitting on their bed. She is reading something. "May I come in?" I ask her politely. "Of course," she says and puts the book down. I sit down next to her. "I heard the argument you had with dad. I noticed how hard you are trying and it means a lot to me. The first thing Adam said to me after meeting you was that you seem nice. He noticed your effort," I say. She smiles at me. "Have he asked you for prom yet. There isn't much time left," she asks. I feel my cheeks burning up. "Yes. He asked me today. He gave me a ton of red roses and a white rose. It is in my bedroom. It was very special," I say. "We have to buy your dress. Can we go tomorrow after school? I will pick you up. We can make it a mother-daughter outing. We can get ice-cream like we did when you were little," she says. I think back to the time when we would sneak out without the guys to have some alone time. She made me promise not to tell them that I got ice-cream. "I would love that," I say. She smiles and gives me a hug. "I love you, Ali" she says. I can't even remember the last time she called me Ali. "I love you too, mom," I say. "Can I see the roses?" she asks as she loosens her grip. I go to my room and take the vase with the roses to her room. "They are beautiful!" She says as I enter the room. "They must've cost him a fortune.You are a very lucky girl," she says.

The school day crawls by slowly. I can't wait to find my dress. I already have the picture in my head of how it should look. Nothing can ruin my day. Not even Michael spit balling me in Maths. Sometimes he is so childish. I am sitting in History waiting for time to pass. Adam turns around and smiles when we make eye contact. I told him about the fight my parents had and the afternoon my mom has planned for us. He thinks it is a good thing to let my mother in. I take notes and try to focus on the lesson while my head is thinking about my dress. I want everything to be perfect. Finally the bell rings. I pack up my things and meet Adam outside the classroom. He walks towards my mom's car with me. When we get there my mom greets him in the friendliest way possible. She is really trying her best. I give him a quick kiss and get in the car. We go to the shopping centre a few miles away where she buys all her clothes. There are a few dress shops and she is positive that we will find something there. We enter the first shop and I immediately see what I am looking for. It is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It is a blue dress with a sparkly top. The way the dress gently touches your body as it falls to the ground is beautiful. It will show my slim figure perfectly. The straps are thin and delicate. "Do you see something you like?" she asks. I can't take my eyes off the dress. "That one," I say and point at the dress. "It is beautiful. You should try it on," she says. She calls the lady over to help us. "How can I help you?" she asks. "She would like to fit that dress," Mom says. The lady takes the dress of the hanger and takes us to the dressing room. Mom waits outside as the lady helps me into the dress. The material feels soft and comfortable on my skin. When I have the dress on, the lady opens the curtain. My mother bursts into tears when she sees me. "You look so beautiful!" she says. I walk over to the mirror to see myself. I can't believe my eyes when I see the reflection. It fits perfectly! "Do you want it?" she asks as she digs through her purse for a tissue. "Yes, please. This is the perfect dress," I say. Mom smiles and walks over to me. "Now we have to get the shoes and hairstyle that will make you the most beautiful girl at the prom," she says. I go back into the dressing room waiting for the lady to help me out of the dress. Once the dress is off she puts it into a dress bag. I just want to look at it all the time. Every girl wants to look like a princess at their prom and that is wat that dress makes me feel. My mother pays for the dress without even looking at the price. "Now we have to get you a pair of shoes," she says as we walk over to the car to put the dress away while we shop for the rest. "Thank you Mom. I don't know how to make up for this. It must've cost a fortune," I say. She smiles. "It's your dad's card," she says. I think this is her way of getting back at him for the argument. We gently put the dress on the backseat. "I have the perfect shop for your shoes," Mom says and locks the car. We get my shoes and a clutch bag. "We have to get you jewellery as well," she says. We enter a shop that looks quite expensive. The store clerk takes us to the necklaces. I try not to look at the price tags. Mom said that I shouldn't. I see a beautiful silver and diamond necklace. The angel immediately catches my attention. It reminds me of the glass angel. It is a symbol of strength to me. "I'll take this one," I say. My mother smiles when she sees the angel. "Good choice. I have a pair of earrings at home that will go perfectly with is. You can have it," she says. "Thank you," I say. We walk out of the store. "Let's go get ice-cream," Mom suggests. When both of us are sitting at a table eating ice-cream I can see that something is bothering her. "Are you okay, Mom?" I ask. "Yes. I was just thinking," she says. "Does Adam have a suit yet? If he doesn't I will pay for it. I know they are struggling," she says. "He is going to find one this weekend. He says he's been saving up for it," I say. I finish my ice-cream. "What do you want to do with your hair?" she asks. "I thought about making beautiful, thin curls. I want it to look natural. I have a picture at home. Do you know anyone who will be able to help me?" I ask. "One of my colleagues has a daughter who is a hair dresser. Apparently she is great with hair styling. I will make you a trial appointment to see if you like what she does. We can do it on Saturday," she says. We get up and walk out of the restaurant. "Adam won't believe his eyes when we are done with you," Mom says with a smile.

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