One Weird Dream

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YOUR THOUGHTS: Princeton came back in the room with a woman. She looked at me. Then, came and sat next to me on the bed. And smiled. What the hell was she staring at! She turned to princeton and said "Where's her parents?" He replied back saying "I'll tell u later" and sat next to the guy with the Mohawk. What was his name again? As I was tryna remember there names. The woman tapped me. I jumped and gave her a look saying don't touch me. She scared the hell out of me. Don't she know I was abused my whole life?

The woman:Sorry I didn't mean to scare u. But, what's ur name?
Yn:Yn. Yn (Your last name). And who are you?
The woman:(smiles) Kesha. The boys manager.
Princeton:Yea. U know Mindless Behavior? We have a song called my girl?
Prince: U know "Hey my girl my girl she loves me"
Yn:Oh! I heard of u guys. Sorry I don't know much about y'all though...
Prince:It's okay
Kesha:(stands up) okay. So u can stay with us. But I need ur adress to get ur things.
Yn:657 almond street (Made it up).
Kesha:Okay good. The doctor said u have to stay overnight so they can run some tests. But, you'll be out tomorrow. Sorry we can't stay here with u. But, the guys have an interview and a performance at the mall tomorrow. And u all need to rest. So bye honey. See u tomorrow. Come on guys (leaves)
Yn:(waves bye to kesha and the guys)
Prince:(stops at the door. And comes back to kiss u on the cheek) bye beautiful. (Leaves)
Yn:(blushes and hold cheek) he called me beautiful.

YOUR THOUGHTS: Omg Princeton just kissed me. Well, on the cheek but still. He's so cute. I wonder if he likes me back? We'll just have to wait till I get out this hospital. I turned over and looked at the clock. Is it really 2 a.m. in the morning. Wow how long was I out? I turned on my back and watched tv. I started dosing off. What was in my IV. I couldn't stay awake. And before I knew it. I was asleep.


YOUR THOUGHTS: I was walking down the street and some guy bumped into me. He gave me an evil stare then said "Watch where ur going!" I jumped. Cuz he kinda remind me of my dad. He walked past me. I looked back but he was... gone. I looked straight and I was on a beach. I saw a woman and a guy. They looked so happy together. I slowly walked towards them and notice the girl was my mom and the guy was my dad... They were so young and innocent. What happened to my dad? Why did he get so violent? I started sinking thru the sand and landed on the floor of a baby's room. It was pink and white with flowers on the wall. I started walking towards the crib. Inside was a beautiful baby girl. I then, notice the baby was me. Damn I was a cute baby... I smiled. Then, my dad walked in with a little girl she was about one years old. What the hell is going on! My mom walked in behind him and said "She looks just like her sister". A tear formed in my eye as I realised. All this time I thought I was an only child. But, all this time I've had a sister? Why would they keep this a secret? And where is she now? I have so many questions but no answers. The setting changed to outside of an big blue and white house. There was two police cars. And me and my "sister" on the porch. Three cops and my parents came out on the porch talking. One said "her mother has custody of her. And u stole her away from her family!" My dad said "what family! Where the only family she got!" Another cop said "Sir u kidnapped her. And where taking u in" then he started hand cuffing him. One of the police grabbed my sisters hand and said "will take u to ur mom and dad" and put her in the police car. My mom broke down in tears as they took my sister and dad away. The three year old me walked to my mom and said "what's wrong mommy" she grabbed my hand and said "she'll be back" and kissed my cheek. I think I remember now my dad had a affair with another woman named Jamie Little. And she got pregnant with my older sister. The scene I just watched was the day they found my dad and took him to jail for kidnapping my sister from her mom to be in our family. Is that why ever since he has been so ignorant? Cause his daughter got took away from him? But he had me... I guess he never loved me. But I already figured that out by myself. I just gotta find my sister and get all the answers I need. After I said that I woke up.


YOUR THOUGHTS: It was daylight. I looked at the clock. It said 10 am. I tried getting up and going to the bathroom. But, fell down. Prince walked in and seen me.

Prince:here let me help u (helps u to the bathroom). There u go
Yn: thanks
Prince:welcome (sits in a chair next to ur bed)
Yn:(goes to bathroom and crawls to ur bed)
Prince:I see the medicine is working (laughts)
Yn:yea I guess (giggles alittle)
Prince:U feeling better?
Yn:mhmm. (Looks down) is there anything u wonna say to me?
Prince:Oh yea! I got u this (hands u a teddy bear holding a heart that says "Hope u feel better" and a get well card)
Yn:Omg Thanks you so much!
Prince:(smiles) ur welcome. U should be leaving soon
(Doctor comes in)
Doctor:Okay! Ms. (Your last name). U can go now. Ur mom signed the papers. Ur free to go now
Yn:lol Ms. Kesha's not my mom. But, yay now let's go. (Tries to run out the door but falls) sh*t
Prince:(picks u up and carriers u to the car)
Yn:thanks... again
Prince:anything for u

YOUR THOUGHTS: Yep. He definitely likes me. I can't wait to get to my new home. I can already tell living here is gonna be fun

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