Goodbye Love And Happiness

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Next Day

Roc Pov

After rehearsal prince invited me to his house. If he invited me in after what me and Yn did. He doesn't just wanna "talk". I shut the door behind me.

Roc:so what did u wanna "talk" about?
Prince:are u sleeping with Yn?
Prince:but she's at ur house right?
Roc:look what do u really want
Prince:her. I want her back
Roc:(chuckles) not gonna happened

I started to leave until he grab my arm

Prince:wait Roc
Prince:how do u know she's not comin back
Roc:because.. she told me
Prince:well I wanna see her and Anthony one more time
Roc:um she's not available
Prince:u can't keep me from my son
Roc:(sighs) I'll drop her off

At Rocs House. He just came through the door

Yn Pov

Roc:get Anthony ready I'm taking y'all home
Yn:what? Did u talk to prince?
Roc:uh yeah it's solved
Yn:um okay

Roc drove us home. I wonder if this is really fixed? I unlocked the door. Prince was on the couch

Anthony:(runs to prince) daddy I want candy
Prince:really Anthony I just opened this Hershey
Ray:actually that's my Hershey (snatches it) (runs)
Anthony:(chases ray)
Prince:(stands up) so uh.. ur not comin back?
Yn:heck yeah I'm comin back. If u get help
Prince:will therapy help?
Yn:that's a start
Prince:alright go change I wanna take u somewhere

I took a shower and got dress. I wonder where he's taking me? Is he really going to change? We'll just have to see. I went downstairs where prince ray and Anthony was.

Prince:u ready?
Prince:okay let's go
Ray:what about me?
Prince:what about u?
Ray:y'all gonna leave me?
Prince:ur not my girlfriend last time I checked
Yn:bye my to baby's (kisses ray & Anthony on the cheek)
Anthony:I'm comin Mommy?
Yn:no ur gonna stay with uncle ray ray
Anthony:but I don't want to
Ray:it ain't like I wanna be here
Yn:bye guys
Ray:don't leave me with him!
Prince:(shuts door)

We got in the car and drove to this big lake. The same lake from when we were teenagers. The wind blew my hair back. The cool breeze hit my face. The beautiful lake sparkled. It was so perfect.. prince grabbed my hand and pulled me to the lake. He started getting undress. I just sat there and stared. He had only boxers on. He smiled

Prince:don't u wanna get in?

I nodded. Then got undress until I was in just underwear and a bra. He picked me up bridal style and threw me in

Yn:ahh prince that is cold!

I ran out the water shaking

Yn:(shaking) n-n-not funny..

He laughed harder and hugged me

Prince:is this better?
Yn:no I'm still cold

He wrapped his jacket around me. We sat there and talked and swam until 8:00 p.m. we went home

In ray ray's room

Yn:ray ray did u feed Anth-

Ray and Anthony was sleep on the floor with ray ray's room messed up. What did they do while we were gone?! I carried Anthony to his room. Then went to me and Prince's room. He was laying on the bed with NO clothes on. I dropped my jacket in shock

Yn:what are u doing?
Prince:I thought that we could..
Yn:no! I'm not getting pregnant again

I started getting undress and got in the shower. Prince got in

Yn:would u get out!?
Prince:shh Yn. Just chill
Yn:(sighs) get out
Prince:maybe I should find another girl. Since u never wanna have sex
Yn:there's always a problem with u. "Oh Yn ur not perfect. Ur stupid. Ur ugly. I cheated because u never wanna give it up. I'm such a msfit. I'm so awesome. So perfect." Well guess what! (Gets out shower)

Me and prince put a towel on

Yn:I don't care anymore! The love we had died! Along time ago. And it ain't comin back. I've been the best damn girlfriend to u! And u treat me like sh*t!! U don't appreciate anything I say or do anymore. So why should I keep running back?

Prince put his head down. I lifted it roughly and got in his face

Yn:I'm not the one chasing anymore. U are..

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