An Apology

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Princeton's Pov

Yn walked in the room and went to sleep. While I just said there feeling stupid. What happened to her over the years? She went from sweet and sensitive to angry and heartless. She can't leave me. What about Anthony? What about our love? I know I abused her and hurt her so many times. But I never knew it would come to this.. what has gotten in to me? I got dress and sat at the edge of the bed. Nothing can fix this. I can't take her on a date. Buy her gifts or give her a love letter.. because she won't care. Now I'm lonely and so stupid. Maybe she feel in love with roc? Even though I won't get her back. There's something I gotta do to make it up to her. It's the only thing I can do..

Next Day

U and Anthony are backstage at MB's concert. They just finished

Prince:okay everyone before we go I got something to tell u all..
Yn:(backstage) what is he talking about?
Prince:there's this girl. She's 19. Her names Yn (ur last name). My ex girlfriend. She's beautiful and we have a beautiful son. He's 4. I haven't been the best boyfriend to her. I was abusive,a liar,I cheated,and made her think she was nothing and wasn't gonna be nothing. But I was wrong.. she's a wonderful human being. The best thing that have ever happened to me. Now she hates me and I don't blame her. I took advantage of her kindness. And just last night she finally let me go.. I never thought she was strong enough to actually do it. So now I'm the lonely one. I really do love her. And that's why I'm not tryna get her back because who ever she chooses to love and take care of her and my son.. I'll always respect and trust them to treat her right.. that's my story. I can't take any of it back and I hate myself for that. (Sighs) Yn I love u and I'm sorry. Goodbye everyone
MB:(goes backstage)
Yn:prince why did u do that?
Prince:it was the only way for me to say sorry
Yn:but u embarrassed urself out there
Prince:for u
Yn:(smiles) thank you (kisses his cheek)
Ray:so how does it end for us?
Roc:yeah who do u choose?
Yn:(looks at prince) I hope u find another girl who loves u like I did. (Looks back at mb) I pick..

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