Just The Beginning Of Starting A Family

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Yn Pov

I woke up the next morning and ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up. Prince came in and held my hair out the way. I flushed the toilet. I got up and brushed my teeth. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. He whispered in my ear "we got how many more months of this? 9?" I nodded. He walked back in the room and went to sleep. I finished brushing my teeth. I took a warm shower. Then got dressed. I checked the time. 8:45 in the morning. I started making breakfast. After I finished I put my coat and shoes on. I opened the door and started walking out. Until ray ray stopped me.

Ray:where u going? (Standing on the steps)
Yn:umm. I got a appointment
Ray:can I come?
Yn:u don't have to
Ray:but I want to. Wait why ain't prince going with u? Ain't the baby "his" (uses finger quotations on his)
Yn:truthfully I really don't know. He's been so distant lately.
Ray:I'll call our driver. I'm comin with u
Yn:(sighs) okay.

After ray got ready we went to the doctors.

Prince Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing. I reached over a grabbed it.

Prince:hello? (Sleepy voice)
Ray:what are u doing? U still sleep?
Prince:I kinda was
Ray:instead of sleeping u should be here with Yn. And UR baby
Prince:no. No. No. U don't know if that's my baby
Ray:that's not the point u should be there for her
Prince:where are y'all anyway?
Ray:at the doctors. She's in the room right now. Would u like to know what ur having?
Prince:yea I guess
Ray:a son
Prince:not what I had in mind.
Ray:still ur responsibility
Ray:gotta go. Yn's back. Were comin home (hangs up)

I got up and did my morning routine. I ate breakfast. Ray and Yn came in. She kissed my cheek and sat next to me smiling. I looked at her confused

Prince:why u so happy?
Yn:were finally gonna start a family (smiling)
Prince:well uh.. u know. I don't think I want a family.. right now.
Yn:but u said u want a daughter
Prince:I do. I do want a family of my own. But not this young.
Yn:u did this to me. I didn't want a family this young either. But its done. I'm having the baby
Prince:I wasn't telling u to get a abortion. Its just alittle too early for a kid
Yn:I just said I'm keeping the baby
Prince:we can have another one. When were older. Just give him up for adoption
Yn:no! I'm keeping him. Why ain't u supporting me? I thought we would do this together. And I'd become ur wife
Prince:u will eventually. Not now. I'm in a band. I got fans. It's too much drama
Yn:(shakes head) yeah right (goes upstairs)
Prince:(goes back to eating)
Roc:wow prince
Prod:yeah wow
Prince:what do y'all mean "wow". A baby is gonna ruin our career
Ray:u gave her the baby. She didn't ask for him
Roc:now u gotta take care of both of them.
Prod:either u do it. Or I do it
Ray:or me!
Prince:stay out of this y'all. Remember this is MY family
Ray:then act like it (leaves)
Roc:yeah what he said (leaves)
Prince:(sighs) this is gonna be tough

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