Moving In With Roc

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Later That Night

Ur Pov

I was laying in bed reading a book. Its about 1 in the morning. I heard the front door slam. I guess its Princeton. If he find out I told Ray what he was doing to me. That would mean just more abuse. I set my book on the dresser next to me. I heard someone trip up the steps. Then laugh. He busted through the door and started throwing his clothes off and laid down and went to sleep. He smelled like beer. I think he's drunk. After I wanted to make sure he was sleep. I got me and Anthony dress and left to Rocs. I don't want him anymore if he's not gonna get help. I pulled up to Rocs. "I hope he's woke". I carried Anthony to the front door and knocked. Like 3 mins later he answer

Roc:Yn what are u doing here?
Yn:I don't wanna be there anymore if he's gonna keep lashing out
Roc:u wanna stay the night?

I went in the house and laid Anthony on the guest bed. I went in the bathroom. I rolled my sleeves up. I looked at my arms in shame. How could I let him abuse me? Just like my father. I touched one of the bruises lightly. What happened to him? He went from sweet and caring to Angry and jealous. He did this since we were 15 and 16. For the past 2 years our relationship went well. Now everything's a lie.. someone knocked on the door. I quickly rolled my sleeves down and opened it. It's Roc

Roc:do u wanna have a drink or something?
Roc:ight come on

He grabbed my arm. I flinched. He let go quickly

Roc:I'm sorry. Did I hurt u?
Yn:no.. its just..

He rolled up my sleeves. I wish people would stop doing that.. his facial expression was hurt. I pulled my arms away and rolled my sleeves down.

Yn:lets just go get that drink (pulls him downstairs)
Roc:Yn who is doing this to u?
Yn:just let it go
Roc:is it prince?
Yn:yes. But if u do anything he'll just become worst.
Roc:well he can't keep hitting u
Yn:I know and he won't cause he's gonna get help
Roc:he better. I don't want u going home. U or Anthony
Yn:ur just gonna make it worst
Roc:I'll tell him myself. U and Anthony is staying with me
Yn:(sighs) okay..

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