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Yn Pov

Princeton comes downstairs

Prince:u must've had fun at Rocs last night
Yn:I just dropped off Anna
Prince:ur a liar! She told me what happened
Yn:and it was a mistake!

Prince slapped me. I held my face shocked.

Prince:don't yell at me. And u know Yn how is that a mistake? How is kissing on the counter a mistake!?
Yn:I'm leaving..

I started walking to the stairs. But he grabbed my hair and pulled me back. I tripped over his foot and fell. He got on top of me and was about to punch me. Until Ray Ray came downstairs

Ray:Princeton! If u wanna fight. Then fight me
Prince:(stands up) ur not even worth it

Prince grabbed his car keys and left. Ray Ray helped me up. My face still stings.

Ray:u okay?
Ray:did he hurt u?
Yn:he slapped me.
Ray:u need to leave him
Yn:I can't.
Yn:because I love him
Ray:Yn he hit u
Yn:I know but I cheated. Just let him cool down. Later he'll be back to who he was
Ray:if u let this go. He'll keep doing it. And one day I might not be here to protect u
Yn:everything is going to be fine. Because he loves me too
Ray:u know what I'm done.

Ray started walking away. He turned back to me

Ray:have he always been abusing u?
Yn:.. (looks down) no..

He walked to me and grabbed my arm. He pulled my sleeve up. There was bite marks and bruises. He gasped.

Ray:he did this to u?
Ray:when did he start the abuse?
Yn:2 months ago
Ray:why didn't u tell anyone?
Yn:because he might hurt me. And I love him. I really do. But he hurts me and says it's my fault..
Ray:I'm gonna kill him
Yn:don't hurt him! He has a son
Ray:(sighs) u and Anthony is the only things keeping me from stabbing him
Yn:I don't wanna leave him. I can't live without him
Ray:there is someone else out there that loves u!! Someone that doesn't and won't ever hurt u!!
Yn:and who is that?!?
Ray:you'll know when u find him (walks away)

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