Old Bestfriends/You And Princeton's Date Part 1

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Next Day

Roc Pov

Roc's thoughts: Everybody's in the living room talking. It's 10 o'clock right now. Yn told everyone a joke and were all laughting. Hahahaha she is funny. And beautiful I mean why didn't I see her beauty then. I just smiled/dazed at her for awhile. Then Bri tapped my shoulder. I snapped out of it and looked at

Bri:u wanna go to the park?
Roc:more like the mall. I need a new hat
Yn:alright u guys can go. Me and prince are gonna do something else
Roc:uh.. no I change my mind. I have... some.. business! I have business I have to take care of. Sorry Bri
Bri:Oh. Kay...
Thalia:don't worry I'll go with u Bri
Bri:kay. What about u ray?
Ray:Nope. I am going to see a movie at 12.
Roc:why so early?
Prince:cause chica him to spend the morning at the movies. Then at her house
Yn:how do u know??
Ray:cause he was listen to my phone conversation
Prod:okay U guys ready to leave?
Thalia & Bri:yup

Prod,Thalia,and Bri Leave

Prince:so what business u got roc?
Yn:yeah what business
Roc:uh.. u know I gotta get something for my girl
Yn:who's ur girl?
Roc:you'll see. (Leaves)
Ray:(comes in living room) I'm out (leaves)
Prince:(smiles) I'm gonna go to see my family. Till 6:00 when it's time to go. Okay?
Yn:yup (kisses him)
Prince:(kisses back then leaves)

Yn Pov

Ur thoughts: Now it's just me alone in the house. I grabbed my phone and went thru my contacts. I found my old bestfriends number. I smiled. How could I forget my bff. I called him. He answered. My heart nearly stopped.

Phone Convo

???:uh. Hello.!?
Yn:oh um.. hello.
???:who's this???
Yn:it's me (ur name)
???:really? It's really u. Yn u haven't talked to me since ur parents died. How are u doing and I heared u moved. Were to?
Yn:I'm living with Mindless Behavior and I'm sorry I forgot about my old life
???:u mean them four boys my sisters always talkin about?
Yn:yea. Um.. Terence can I come over?
Yn:okay see u then bye
Terence:bye (hangs up)

Phone Convo Over

U Go To Terence's House

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