Princeton's Home/Prodigy Can't Cook

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Prince Pov

He's sittin in the hospital watching spongebob and laughing

Doctor walks in

Doctor:Mr. Perez ur free to go. Do u have a ride?
Prince:(shakes head no)
Doctor:(takes out his IV) the nurse will call a cab. (Leaves)
Prince:alright thanks.

Prince thoughts: Yes!!! I can finally leave the hospital. I put my cloths from the crash on. I walked outside to my cab. When I got home. I couldn't help but smile. I walked on the porch and knocked on the door. Thalia answered. When she notice it was me she jumped straight into my arms. I hardly know her but it felt so right. She let me go and pulled me into the house. Roc came around the corner. His eyes got big when he saw me. I smiled and held out my hand to do our handshake. Instead he tackled me. We both fell then he said "Welcome home.". I just laughed alittle. Thalia helped us up. They both seem so.. perfect together. I looked at Thalia and said "Y'all go out?" With a confused face. She smiled her beautiful smile. Then, said "No. But we just got back from breakfast. It was sooo good.". I laughed. Yeah they like each other. I went to my room and took a shower. I need to get out of these cloths. While I'm in the shower someone Knocks on my bedroom door. I cut off the shower and put a towel on. I walked out the bathroom. I shivered alittle. I opened my bedroom door and yn was standing there with her arms crossed.

Yn:why ain't u tell me u were coming home!
Prince:sorry. I forgot because I was so excited to be going home.
Yn:It's okay. But u had me at the hospital waiting for u to be discharged. When all along ur home!
Prince:I know aren't u happy for me? (Smiling)
Yn:(kisses him) of course. And it's time for dinner prod cooked. (Starts walking away)
Prince:umm u know what I'll past. I'm not.. hungry. So bye! (Tries to close door)
Yn:(grabs the door and opens it) Uh-uh if we gotta eat it u gotta eat it. Now let's go
Prince:uh.. I'm still uh.. (points to towel)
Yn:oh! Of course get dressed. (Leaves)
Prince:(shuts door and get dressed)

Prince walks in and sits at the table. Between u and Thalia.

Prod:(giving everyone a plate of food) Now eat! You'll love it!!
Bri:prod I ain't hungry. U can have mine (pushes her plate towards him)
Yn:mines too! (Gets up and run)
Roc:wait for me! (Runs after u)
Prince:hey Thalia u like McDonald's?
Thalia:I feel u prince let's go! (Grabs prince hand and they both run)
Bri:(runs after them) I'll drive!!
Prod:(sighs) looks like it's just me and u ray
Ray:(sleeping at the table)
Prod:nevermind. U know what they right. I can't cook! (Spits out food) wait for me guys!! (Runs to the car)

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