This Is It Part 2

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Yn's Pov

Ur thoughts: After prince blacked out. They put him on a hospital bed and rolled him out. One doctor came to me and said "he'll be alright". That happened 6 hours ago.. yes 6. I don't know if he's dead or alive. All I know is his room number. I gotta check up on him. I got out of bed and walked down the hall. I took a deep breath. Then, opened the door.. he was laying in bed holding his stomach crying. He looked at me. I almost died seeing him like this. I closed the door and sat next to him on his bed.

Prince:Yn.. it hurts...
Yn:I know. I told u not to do it..
Prince:no not dieing.
Yn:then what hurts?
Prince:loving u.
Yn:what do u mean..?
Prince:do u love me?
Yn:of course prince.
Prince:then why did u do it.?
Yn:u mean the prodigy thing?
Prince:(nods head yes)
Yn:I don't know...
Prince:I'm sorry..
Yn:for what?
Prince:everything I did. I never meant anything I said. I was just mad
Yn:ur forgiven. Just promise to never try to kill urself again. I need u.
Prince:.... I promise.
Yn:(smiles) (kisses his cheek)
Prince:Yn did u ever consider having a baby?
Yn:umm yea maybe when I'm older..? Prince is there something ur tryna tell me?
Prince:.. I want a daughter.
Yn:no I'm too young. Maybe when I'm at least 20
Yn:no I'm not ready.
Prince:u were ready to have s*x with prod but no me!? Whatever just forget it
Yn:.. u don't even know how all of this makes me feel. U think I'm proud that I had s*x with prod. U think I'm ready for a kid? U don't even know anything about parenting.
Prince:I know more than ur dad.. (says under breath)
Yn:what did u say?
Yn:yes u did I heard u!
Prince:then why did u ask?
Yn:I'm tired of everyone insulting me about my personal life!! Leave my past alone!!! I do not need to be reminded of it everyday!
Prince:quit acting like ur the only one with a f*cked up life! I have a past too. My past is still my present. U don't see me getting all mad over it.
Yn:because no one is just throwing it in ur face! Would u like it if I said "Ur mom deserved to be beat by ur dad!"

Prince Pov

Prince's thoughts: When Yn said "would u like it if I said ur mom deserved to be beat by ur dad" I just lost it. I slapped her. I must of hit her hard because she fell on floor. She was holding her face. Even though what she said was a example. I still was hurt by it. My eyes got big. What did I do? Why did I hit her? I guess I just have the abusive part of my dad inside of me. But the peace making part of my mom. Yn stand up. Then said "I don't think there's any love in our friendship or whatever we are... I don't love u. I can't. Ur ripping me apart little by little and I can't take it. I'm only human. Why do u expect me to be perfect?" She started walking away. I saw alittle red mark on her face. It must hurt.. I can't just let her walk out of my life. "Yn I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I get it now. I understand how u feel. Just stay here with me. We can work things out. Just give me a chance.." I said hoping she'll forgive and forget. She turned and looked at me. A tear was running down her face. I looked in her eyes. I can see how what I did is slowly killing her inside. She let another tear roll down her face before saying "I can see my dad hitting me. I can see Bri hitting me. I can even see Thalia hitting me. But u.. I never expected to be hurt physically by u." She's slowly slipping out of my grip. Where's the love that we had in the beginning? Why did it turn into a nightmare? A nightmare that neither of us can wake up out of. I ran my hand through my afro. Then said "let me take care of u. U need me as much as I need u. U know that's true. Stay and become my wife. Stay and have beautiful children with me. Stay with me forever.." she turned around and opened the door. She looked over her shoulder at me. Then said "u was right.. this is it." Then she left...

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