I Dig You Too - Alan Ashby

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I Dig You Too - Alan Ashby

"Austin, can you please just pass me the Peace Tea?" I mumbled, trying not to get too angry with my brother. Austin sent me a dirty look. 

"What's the magic word?" he teased. I groaned. 

"I said please!" 

Austin looked shocked. "Oh? You did? Here!" He tossed the can into the air and I laughed, catching it. "You're welcome." 

"Thank you." I mumbled. Austin smirked and paused his stupid game. 

"So, are you gonna help me clean up? My friends are coming over later. We're having a party." He pouted at me, batting his eyelashes. "Are you game?" 

"No, Austin, I told you!" I snapped, suddenly angry with him again. "I told you not to have a party tonight. I'm spending time with my boyfriend tonight." 

Austin made a face and slumped in his chair. 

"Your boyfriend." He grumped, rolling his eyes. "As if. I don't like that Chase kid. He's a bit…" Austin trailed off, searching for the word, but when he couldn't produce it, he sneered at me. "I just don't like him." 

"You don't like him because he's short." I snorted, sticking out my bottom lip for affect. "But I like Chase. I think I might love him." 

Austin wrinkled his nose. "Sure. Okay. Stupid." He gave up on his game and stormed off to his room. "And just because you're not joining in the festivities doesn't mean you're not gonna help me clean up. So get on your feet, missy!" 

I rolled my eyes and stood up, sighing. Austin and I didn't make much of a mess, I think he was just referring to the shoes and socks on the floor and putting the remotes back where they belonged. 

After cleaning the living room, I grabbed the frozen pizzas from the freezer and set them on the counter. "Austie, who's coming?" I called down the hall. Austin paused. 

"Ah, Tino, Phil, Aaron, and Ashby. I think we're just gonna be in the basement." Austin sounded like he was struggling with something and when he emerged into the hallway, it was apparent that he was struggling to put on his skinny jeans. I smirked. 

"Okay. So, three pizzas enough for you?" I said, noting that there was at least six frozen pizzas in the freezer not including the three on the counter. Austin made a face. 

"Eh, try like four or five. Munchies, Naomh." He winked before grabbing something else from the fridge. 

"Are you guys gonna be drinking a lot?" I sighed, not really comfortable with the idea of a bunk of drunk twenty-something year olds in the basement while my boyfriend and I watched a movie on the couch. Austin shrugged. 

"Depends on where the night takes us." 

I grabbed two more pizzas for the boys and put them in the oven to cook them. Telling Austin to watch the food, I went to go change for my 'in-date' with Chase. Being annoying, I plugged in my iPod and began to play some music that I was enjoying recently. This playlist included music from Tear Out The Heart, Dance Gavin Dance, and Bleached Blonde. 

I tugged off my sweats as a song started to play that made me smile each time. Grabbing my pink skinnies, I moved my lips in time with the song. You may not respect me, BUT YOU WILL FEAR ME!

I tried to pull the pink jeans up and I forgot that they unzipped at the bottom for easier access, I bent over to unzip them. 

"Hey." murmured a soft voice. I jumped a mile and glanced up halfway struggling into the jeans. 

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