Cookies! - Max Helyer

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Max Helyer - Cookies

I apologize for this being so short. I feel really guilty. I was writing this after testing period and I'm sorry. It looked longer on the paper, but-I'm just-sorry...

Max's thin fingers skimmed the stiff frets of the slightly auburn acoustic guitar. It was a Martin D-28 Marquis Sunburst, and it was $4,499, but Max had been talking about wanting to get one for ages, and ever since we started dating four years ago, I saved up enough for this special occasion. Max's lips moved to the name of the guitar and stared at me in disbelief. 

"Alice! This is a-" He broke off, plucking delicately and carefully. "Alice, how'd you-" 

"There's one condition." I teased, picking up the discarded and crumpled paper and put them in the back trash bag which was already filled with wrapping paper from the previous gifts. 

"…anything." Max breathed softly. I smirked. 

"You to bake cookies with me." I said shyly. Max's thin eyebrows rose carefully as he smirked devilishly. 

"No way. We agreed on this two years ago." He began to play the chords to Loverboy and I rolled my eyes. 

"Fine, then. No kisses for Christmas." I threatened, flouncing to the kitchen. I heard Max's laugh and the famous sound of the guitar being placed in it's designated holder in the living room. Knowing he would bitch and moan about me not kissing him, I prepared myself for his infamous puppy-dog eyes. The hints of dark brown in the chocolate brown made him look more innocent than he actually was. 

I decided to fill my pockets with chocolate Hershey's kisses to annoy him and grabbed the sugar for the sugar cookies. 

I heard Max's feet hit the ground as he walked into the kitchen, humming a song softly. 

"Al-lice, look at me." He sang, drawing out the 'e'.

"Nope." I grunted, in search of the mixer and eggs. 

"Al-lice, darling, look at me!" he whined, drawing out the 'e' even longer. When I didn't respond, his hands closed on my hips, spinning. "Can I have a kiss?" 

I nodded, my fingers closing on the aluminum wrapped candy. He smirked, thinking I gave up. He leaned in, puckering his lips. Giggling, I shoved the candy in his mouth and ran, laughing like an idiot. 

Max chuckled, spitting the candy onto the tiled floor and took a step towards me. I screamed and scrambled onto the kitchen island, trying to avoid his arms. 

I stumbled over my feet and screamed, falling to the floor. My little hedgehog grabbed me midair and helped soften my fall. I gasped and clutched onto him. 

"Th-thanks." I breathed. Max nodded, leaning in to kiss me. 

"NOPE!" I shouted, leaping away from him. "No cookies, no kisses." 

Max eyed me wearily, his brown eyes calculating. "…fine. Cookies." 

I cheered and scrambled into his arms, smashing my lips into his. Max chuckled breathily and I winked at him. 

"Grab the beater, Maximilian, we have to make enough for the rest of the Sixers tonight." 

"Don't tell them that I made cookies." Max threatened tiredly, grabbing the mixer. I pouted. 

"Max, I would never-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. Answering it, I grinned at Max. 

"Hi, Joshie!" I greeted. Josh laughed. 

"Merry Christmas, Alice." he called. "What're you and Max up to?" 

Grinning devilishly at Max, I smirked. "We're baking cookies!" 

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