Chapter Six

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"Dick so good, still got you sleep huh?" Maverick said waking Cari up with breakfast.

"I guess so", Cari laughed and sat up.

She ate some of the scrabbled eggs and the ran to the bathroom. She felt herself about to throw up. She closed the door behind her and turned the water on so Maverick couldn't hear anything.

Maverick knocked on the door, "You good Cari?"

"Yeah, I'm fine", Cari said smiling as she opened the bathroom door.

"Good, cause I got moves to buss and you coming along", Maverick said holding Cari's face and then kissing her forehead.




"Hey Monica", Cari said standing on the porch at Monica's house.

"Carmani what are you doing here? Last time we talked, you was kicking me out of your house", Monica said rolling her eyes.

After all Monica and Cari has been through Monica would never put Cari out while she was telling her something she needed to hear, never!

"She kicked me out", Cari admitted.

"She knows?" Monica asked.

"Not that it's Eric's but that I am pregnant", Cari said crying.

"So where you been staying?" Monica asked showing no sympothy to the fact that Cari was crying.

Cari looked Monica in the eyes, "With Maverick."

"Bitch are you kidding me? Maverick? After all the hell he put you through? You was better off with Mason idiot", Monica snapped.

No one knew the history with Maverick and Cari expect for Monica, Maverick, and Cari. Back when Maverick and Cari used to mess around heavy, Cari was scared to lose her virginity at that age so Maverick would bring different girls into the house whole Cari was there.

"He disrespected you Car", Monica said shaking her head.

"He gave me a place to lay my head Monica, where else was I supposed to go?" Cari said.

"Anywhere else Cari, as long as you got me, you'll never need somewhere you lay your head. So did you fuck him?" Monica asked.

"Yeah", Cari blurted.

"Carmani, aren't you pregnant? How many more nigga's are you going to sleep with?" Monica snapped.

Out of the eight years Monica knew Cari, Cari never pulled this many stunts in such a little time.

"I'm lost", Cari said looking at Monica in her face basically begging for her help.

"Sorry, you have too much going on and I can't help you", Monica said closing the door in Cari's face.

Tears filled Cari's eyes but she walked. Walked right to the park to meet Maverick to pick her up. On her way she saw a group of girls that she went to high school with.

"Carmani! Hey boo, where you been?" Fantasia said recognizing Cari.

"Hey Tasia, I'm cool, how you been?" Cari said hugging Fantasia and realizing the other girls were mugging her.

"You fuck with Maverick?" One of the girls blurted.

"Yeah, that's my boy. Why?" Cari said getting snappy.

"Calm down girl, she was just asking!" The other girl snapped back.

Cari realized that the one that snapped back was Yasmine, a girl that Mason introduced her to a while back.

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