Chapter XIV- The Worst Wedding Ever

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Chapter XIV: The Worst Wedding Ever


My dress is flowy and my veil cascades down my face. Tears spring to my eyes as I glance down the isle at Lucifer. I scan the crowd that fills the rows and at the very front I spot Adrian and Charles causing a gasp to erupt from my lips. Upon locking eyes with them they slightly jolt in their seats and I notice that rope is wrapped around their shoulders, trapping to them the chair.

How could this happen?

If I didn't go through with this I knew that Lucifer would kill both the men I love. So I continued my steady stride to the altar. I turned to face Lucifer and somewhere beside me the priest rattled off the marriage ceremony. I faintly heard Lucifer say I do and then all was silent as I gazed off wanting to crawl into a hole and die.


All doors slammed open and hundreds of Lycans swarmed into the building, but there were thousands of demons. Men were quickly coming to their kings aid on both sides. Lucifer grabbed my hand and began to drag me out of the room.

"Well, time to go my love."

We rushed around higher and higher up to one of the tallest towers. It was a small a small circular room with a tall glassless window.

"This is the end my dear."

Panic rushed to the surface.

"What do you mean," I ask wearily. He began pacing and gripping at his hair like  a mad man.

"Well if I can't have you-"

The door busted open and in walked Adrian and Charles. I instantly took a step towards them but Lucifer quickly pulled me back, visibly angering the two other men. Lucifer pulls out a dagger that I didn't notice him having.

"Wait, Lucifer, let's not do anything rash put the dagger down and I'm sure Adrian and Charles will leave."

Lucifer hissed, "I do NOT like the sound of their names on your lips. You would do well not to repeat them."

"I'm sorry. You'll leave, right boys?"

They immediately said no.

"We will never leave you Raina. No matter what this monster threatens to do."


I was cut off by the harsh clatter of the dagger on the stone floor and Lucifer wrapping two arms around my waist. I looked at his face to see a terrifyingly unstable face.

We were all silent. I was like being with a small child that is armed with a fully loaded gun. Any wrong movement and the kid shoots you, not knowing any better.

"They'll never approve, Rainy. We have to be sure that we stay together forever."

His gaze made me uneasy. "What are you talking about, dear. We just need to all clam down and no one has to get hurt."


Charles rushed forward and Lucifer took a large step back, an inch away from the gapping window, now more of a danger than at first glance. Below was a murky moat full of terrible creatures and poison.

"Don't come any closer!"

His crazed voice echoed around the room. I felt him lean back, as if about to fall and went to my last resort. I turned in his arms and kissed him, hopping to all the heavens that Adrian and Charles would use the distraction to their advantage. Like clock work, I was pulled away and I saw Lucifer's face whip to the side as it collided with Adrian's fist.

I turned and looked deeply into Charles' eyes.

"I love you."

And we kissed, long, hard, and full of meaning. I don't know who said I love you or if it was both of us, and I couldn't bring myself to care. I was so glad to be back in his arms again. But I had to focus on the task at hand and i turned to the ever-growing fight and screamed.

Adrian was barely inside the room, half his body hanging out the window. He slipped slightly and we locked eyes and he mouthed, 'I love you.' I rushed to him, but it was too late. Lucifer kicked him in the face and dropped to the unforgiving waters below.


I yelled loudly, already crying. I ran to the window and Charles had to stop me from completely jumping out after him. I saw his body plunge into the abyss and he didn't rise again.

A dark hole began to spread in my heart and I crumpled to the ground, wailing tirelessly.

"Adrian," I whimpered as I gazed dead at the water. The room was silent aside from my sobs.

I rose and turned to a smug Lucifer. Hell  no. I charged at him and he moved to the side. I was fighting angry and I was not going to let Lucifer leave this alive. So I sprang at him again and all I saw was red as Charles joined me in a guttural cry.


Congrats to MidnightSummer2499 for answering last chapters question, the answer was Texas.

Next Chapter will be that last and I hope ya'll have a great day!

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