Kyoya Ootori (Pt. 2)

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My head hit the table as I sighed out in frustration. Nothing was going right, all the stress from my job and apartment were driving me insane. I was told I had to find another place to live, apparently, I was too much of a noise complaint. What am I going to do? I can't stay here... can I? Some thoughts and memories flew through my head and I blushed. Even though I was drunk that night I still can't believe I slept with him.... Ugh! I never even gave him a response either to if were a thing! To make things worse I have the trip tomorrow with Ryo... I haven't even packed yet. With a frustrated sigh, I stood up slowly from the chair and walked to the kitchen placing my empty can into the recycling bin. Why is there like twenty different types of recycling in Japan? I grumbled some more and made my way into my room to get packed.

As I was packing three things ran through my mind. 1. I need to find a way to either get Kyoya to let me stay here or find a place of my own, 2. I really need better panties, and 3 I kind of want to have sex with Kyoya again without being drunk. The last one made me groan, how perverted can I be? I sighed again for the millionth time before finally zipping my bag closed. My eyes widened for a second as I sat down, I can ask him if I can live here for a while... if I offer to have sex with him! I shook my head I am not some two-bit friend with benefit though... but I.... don't know. I fell backwards staring up at the ceiling, "Maybe I will figure this out during my trip" I nodded to myself smiling adjusting into the bed.

The next morning I got up early and prepared breakfast. Kyoya shuffled out of his room and stared directly at me, his gaze strong as a scowl presented itself upon his lips. I raised my eyebrow "Good morning" He nodded and walked over to the table sitting down as I placed a plate in front of him. "So, I am leaving tonight...I will be back Sunday afternoon though" He nodded sipping on his coffee. I sighed and sat down as well beginning to eat. His eyes locked with mine again "Is your friend still going with you?" I raised an eyebrow "Why? I mean you can ask why but.... why?" He sighed shifting forward in his seat. "I was only curious." I nodded smiling "No, his girlfriend called him out and they are going on a vacation together." His shoulders seemed to relax, his posture slumped a little, but he still nodded. "So, you are going by yourself?" I nodded taking another bite from my food. He smirked a bit "May I join you?" I coughed on my food staring at him wide eyed. His smirk increased to a smile. "Um sure?" With that he got up from his seat and went back into his room leaving me there stupefied.

By noon we were both in his limo, I sighed staring out of the window. "What's wrong (y/n)?" I looked over at him scowling "I was looking forward to taking the train, eating a bentou, and seeing the sights." He chuckled and looked out of the window, I huffed crossing my arms staring at him. His eyes met mine causing my face to flush as I quickly looked away. Memories from that night were coming back. His flushed face as he pounded into me, my moans of pleasure, his fingers trailing over my skin. Stop it! I can't think of this now. We are going to have a relaxing time at the onsen, which I happily renamed to couple's spa. I bit my lip trying to distract myself from my thoughts, he sighed slightly causing me to look over at him from the corner of my eye. His chin rested on his hand as his eyes scanned over the passing scenery.

Those same eyes were looking directly at me, clouded over in lust as his broad chest glistened from the sweat. I groaned out rather loudly laying down on the seat. "I give up!" He moved on his seat as his face loomed over mine. "Give up on what?" My blush intensified even more "Uh having a bentou." He smirked leaning in closer, his lips so close to mine I could feel them move with every intake of air he did. "Is that all?" My eyes widened "Mhmm" He smiled backing away to his seat again. I closed my eyes whining internally. Screw these hormones!

It took two more agonizing hours before we finally reached the onsen. Once there to my horror, even though I order two separate rooms they overbooked. So Kyoya and I are sharing a room, a small room that is where the futons need to touch in order to fit. Curse this luck of mine...I just want him one more time... As I sat down a plan brewed in my head. Kyoya said he was going to take a bath first.... maybe... I smirked and stood up going to my bag to pull out the clothing I wanted.

By the time he came back into the room I was sitting on my futon, my shorts pulled up tightly around my ass, my shirt extremely low cut showing off my cleavage. I lowered the book in my hand and looked at him. His hair still wet hanging in front of his glasses, yukata slightly open showing off his chest, his cheeks slightly flushed from the hot water. I glared slightly at him until his eyes met mine for an instance before traveling down my body. "Have you been drinking again?" His voice calm and collected Damn really no reaction? I blinked and closed my book "No, why do I have to be drunk to wear this?" He sighed and sat down next to me. "Your face is flushed and your exposing a lot of skin." I rolled my eyes and laid on my side facing him. "Nope just hot" he nodded and reached over grabbing the book from my hand.

Ten minutes had passed and he still had his nose in that book. I was staring at the ceiling bored. I rolled onto my back, then my side, back to my back. Finally I just gave up and stood up grabbing my clothes and headed to the open air bath. Maybe I have no sex appeal? Once in the changing room I sighed out stripping of my clothes and walking out into the steamy waters. "Damn him, seriously I am all bothered and he doesn't even seem affected at all." I sunk lower in the water covering my mouth, and closed my eyes internally grumbling. To be fair I didn't really try anything... I could just ask him too, heh I wonder how he would respond... "Oh (Y/N) I did not take you for someone like that" psh if he said that I would be so pissed. "I have no reason to sleep with someone like you" yep that sounds more like him. Ugh! The water moved around me and I opened my eyes, two older women had joined in. They were going on about there husbands or something. Listening to them talk made me smile.

After about ten minutes of that I returned to my room. Kyoya was sitting there staring out of the sliding doors. I sighed and sat down next to him, my yukata slightly open at the top to release heat. "(Y/n) I..." He sighed and looked over at me. "I want you" I blinked, blinked again, and smiled. "Thank god! I want you to. All day I couldn't stop thinking about what happened the other night." He smirked turning off the light, As he sat close to me he smiled "Will you be mine only?" I bit my lip and nodded, he lowered his face down to mine trapping me in a kiss. His hands gently pulling at my yukata and taking it off of me. When he pulled away I made quick work of his clothes as well. My hand brushed over his member causing him to shudder. I smirked and repeated the motion wrapping my fingers around him. He moaned out quietly as I repeated the action, precum already leaking from him. As I increased my pace he groaned louder, his head fell back and his breathing became labored. My eyes scanned over his body and I decided to tease him a bit so I stopped. He opened his eyes and looked down at me pushing me over.

His eyes traveled down my body exposed to him in the moonlight. He licked his lips leaning down to capture my own in a heated kiss. Our tongues entwined as he lifted my legs back and entered into my wet core. His member throbbed inside of me as he adjusted a minute only to leave again. He repeated this motion several times before breaking the kiss leaving me a panting mess. His fingers traced up my thighs, his touch so light my skin crawled. Once he reached the base of my breasts he cupped them gently. My legs wrapped around his waist, his tongue gently licking the tip of my nipple. Soft moans fell from my lips at his slow pace. It was torture to me, his slow pace and gentle touches drove me over the edge in wanting more.

My desire had reached its max as my fingers dragged down his back. His breath hitched as he entered me again, "Kyoya please!" He chuckled leaning forward placing his arms on either side of my head. "Please what?" I groaned pouting at him, he slowed down even more making me whine "Please kyoya please don't tease me!" He gently kissed my forehead then my nose, then my lips. As I kissed back he pulled his member out of me completely before slamming back in. My nails dug into his back, my own back arching taking more of him into me. A muffled moan escaped from me as my eyes tightly shut. I felt myself start to build up, his pace grew faster as he leaned his forehead onto mine.

My mouth hung open as I panted, his pace was steady until he shifted slightly hitting my g spot. A loud drawn out moan flew out from my mouth as my walls tightened around him. He grunted in pleasure hitting the spot again. The knot in my stomach grew faster and stronger with each push. My hands had let him go and clung onto the sheet underneath me, my knuckles turning white as I held on for any bit of sanity left. He thrusted once more causing my release. Pleasure wrapped my body as I shook, my head was clouded, and everything felt like it was on fire. My walls had tightened around him so much that his movement was slowed due to it, not much that it mattered though as he soon climaxed. A low moaned escaped from him as he came back down to reality, his eyes locked with mine for a second before he kissed me again. "You're mine" was the only thing he said as he got up to get clean, leaving me laying there a panting sweaty mess.

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