20K Special Readers Choice. Chubby Short reader X Alucard

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His hand slipped from my head down to my neck and he applied a gentle pressure. Cutting off my air just enough I could still breathe, but enough it was semi difficult. My eyes met his in a heated glare, which I knew he was laughing about. I could hear his voice in my head cackling about how cute it looked when I was pissed because I was so much shorter than him. How a glare didn't look right on my round fat face. I was his cute little princess, although flattering this man, no king, thought of me that way it pissed me off to no end. His hand soon let up as he pulled away placing those stupid tinted glasses back over his eyes.

"All you have to do is say yes, my short princess." His words cut through the thickening silence making me cringe as a blush dusted my cheeks. No way in hell would I agree to that.

"No way in hell. I was assigned to you in her will, I am not just going to let you run off. At least not until the estate has been settled." I nodded crossing my arms over my chest waiting for his reply.

He chuckled leaning over slightly to emphasize out height differences. "I could just kill you and leave." A sadistic smile spread across his face showing off his glistening canines in the dimly lit room. I huffed out through my nose rolling my eyes.

"But where would the fun in that be?" His eyebrow rose slightly as he chuckled again for what felt like the fifth time that night. His hand gently rested upon my head again causing me to squirm and move away.

"What's wrong my little Prinţesă? Do you not like my touch?" His smile only grew as he grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him.

"His chest feels so strong against me." I blushed shaking the thought from my head and pulling away from him. "Yes! Don't touch me anymore, there were rules instated for a reason!" I was able to pull my arm from his hand before walking over to the wooden chair placed next to the wall. "He just knows how to get under my skin. It means nothing, I am only a toy." I nodded to myself sitting down.

It felt as if his eyes were examining me, my skin felt like it was on fire. Hidden behind those stupid glasses I knew they were. I knew he loved to tease me, he knew I hated but also loved the attention. His smile became sadistic as he took one step, then one more, until he finally reached me in the chair. My pulse quickened, and my breath caught in my throat as his gloved hand rested on top of my head. His fingers spreading out, tangling themselves in my locks. My eyes closed momentarily giving into the desire to be touched by him.

"Princess, I can hear your pulse beating away. Your face is flushed as well, tell me do you enjoy this?" The almost pleasured tone of his words made my skin crawl in excitement. I felt my brain go foggy, common sense slipping away with each second, he kept his hand on my head. Unintentionally I groaned in response.

A deep chuckled reverberated in my ears snapping me out of the trance I was in. My eyes opened to see his, the pure feral instinct running a rampage in his red pools luring me deeper into giving consent. Lust, anger, insanity, happiness, and frustration. All those emotions being displayed for me to see, and all the while I felt numb. Like a puppet on a string slowly being forced to move, forced to submit, but willingly letting it happen. His face moved closer to mine, the cold from his skin radiating against my flushed cheek, never breaking eye contact. My bottom lip found its way in between my teeth in anticipation of what was to come.

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