Kankri x reader humanstuck

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I have never written a fan fiction before. DO NOT JUDGE!!!

Plus, yeah , I think Kankri is adorable.this is a humanstuck and I will be mostly writing from my iPad. Enjoy!


Chapter 1

You walk home from school.

Ugh. School.

Ever since you moved here you were in a bad mood. You hated the bullies, you hated your parents and you hated this town! You took your glasses off as a chilly autumn wind whooshed by. You took a rest then started to clean them. You saw something out of the corner of your eye. There was a blonde boy in a thick red sweater carrying a textbook, walking across the street. You put your glasses on to make sure you weren't imagining things. Nope, he was real. He continued to walk until he reached the sidewalk, then took out his phone. After standing there for a bit, he continued on, disappearing around the corner. Huh.

You hurried home. When you got home your mom wasn't there so you dumped your backpack outside your room and collapsed on your bed. You pulled your laptop out from under your bed and logged onto pesterchum . As the screen loaded you removed your glasses and relaxed.lets see... Apocalypsearisen, online. Turntechgodhead, offline. Gallowscalibrator, offline. You scrolled down, but All your friends, including Karkat , were offline but Aradia. You began to pester.

_________ began pestering apocalypse arisen

You: hey

aa: 0h s0me0ne has finally c0ntacted me. Where is everyone?

You: don't know.

You: btw, did you see a boy at school today with blonde hair and a red sweater?

aa: yeah, why?

You: I saw him on the way home from school. What's his name?

aa: d0n't kn0w.

aa: I think he's related t0 Karkat.

You: thanks!

You: I'll try to contact him.

aa: ^u^

_________ ceased pestering apocalypse arisen

You quickly clicked onto carcinogenetecist

_________ began pestering carcino geneticist

You: hey, Karkat!

You: do you have a brother?

You: uh, if you do, just tell me

_________ ceased pestering carcino geneticist


You closed your eyes and thought about the boy.

He looked almost a year older than you, and him and Karkat had very similar hair...Fluffy. Very fluffy. He had amber eyes, almost red. Yup, just like Karkat. You opened them again to the sound of a skateboard. Mituna was out skateboarding with his girlfriend Latula. Maybe they knew the blonde boy! You ran to the window but you were too late. They were gone. You went back to your computer, then went back to aradia.

_________ began pestering apocalypse arisen

You: :(

aa: n0 luck, huh?

You: yeah...

aa: well, I g0t t0 g0. Bie!

Apocalypse arisen ceased pestering _________

Kankri x reader humanstuckWhere stories live. Discover now