Chapter 10

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You heard the school was shut down because of the murders. Apparently more people were being killed and police were freaking out, putting cops on night patrol down the streets. dad was refusing to come home, the grief was too great. You missed him.
Kankri and you went to Cheak on Tavros. Rufioh answered the door. "Sup doll. Hey Kankri. Here to see Tav?". You nodded. He let you two in and you called for Tavros. You heard Aradia.
"___?! Thank god!!!" She ran down to hug you. "I can't calm Tavros down... Help.". Aradia and Tavros are friends again?! Ok...?
Kankri talked to Rufioh so you and Aradia could help Tavros. He didn't say a word, just stared blankly at the floor. Poor guy.
~ time skip to 11:13 pm ~
You heard the phone ring. Rufioh was sleeping so you grabbed the phone. "Hello, Nitram re-"
"OH MY GOD... ____, IS THAT YOU?!?!"
The phone connection cut. You dropped the phone and screamed. Within seconds a police officer got in the house. "Miss?!? What happened???". "I got a phone call from my friend Nepeta... Gamzee was at her house... The line buzzed and cut off... I ....". Aradia ran down to help you as you fell to your knees, hands covering your mouth. "____!!!" Aradia yelled, catching you. The police started yelling to the officers. He called a specific officer. "OFFICER 6132, cave avenue, are you there?". That was the street Nepeta lived on. The walkie-talkie fuzzed, static making your spine tingle in fear. No response. "Officer 6132!!! RESPOND!!! OFFICER!!!". No response but the sound of muffled screams in the background - you could hear drips of blood.




~ time skip to after you get your boots on and run out of the house ~

The icy night wind stung your face. Where were the guards?! You saw a nearby beer bottle and chair in the frozen grass. The beer bottle was empty and the seat was cold. All the guards must be patrolling Nepeta's area. You picked up the beer bottle and smashed the end against a rock. Half the bottle luckily remained in place, leaving a jagged glass end. You ran to nepeta's house. Guards were scanning the area. You had to get by. "The door is locked!!!" Shouted an officer. You saw the ceiling window to nepeta's house was broken. You scurried along the bushes and climbed onto the fence.

Should it be winter???
No, it's fall. It's fall now :3

With ninja skills you climbed onto the roof. You crawled on your belly and got into the ceiling fan. You jumped down, holding the broken bottle close to you. You didn't want to let Gamzee know you were here. "____?" Said a voice. Miss. Leijon was hiding on top of the ceiling fan. "How did you...?!" You asked, but tried to avoid asking. "Where are the others???". Miss Leijon tried to speak, her words only mumbles and sniffles of terror. "Nepeta... She screamed a little while ago, screaming into the phone... Meulin is at the hospital with Kurloz... I... I don't want to come down, I'm terrified!!!!". "I'll find Nepeta. Is .... Is Gamzee still here?". You checked around to see if Ga,zee was near you. "no... I saw him Leave... Be careful.". You nodded. With a worried blink at Miss Leijon you raced to Nepeta's room. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't be dead. First it was all those innocent people. Then Kurloz. Then your own mother!!! Now nepeta, your childhood friend?! You clenched your fist. You were going to kill Gamzee, and no one could get in your way.

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