Chapter 17

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Your pov~

You woke up, dazed. Kankri's body lay beside you. He groaned and looked at you. "Oh! ___! Are you ok???". You shook your head yes and tried to get up, but you felt a stinging pain. A brick pile was on top of your arm. Fire burnt the grass around you. Blood soaked your shirt. "Oh god!!! No, NONONONONONONONONO!" Kankri ran to your arm. You felt the pain kick in and you screamed in agony. Holy shit, your skin felt like it was on fire! He began shoving bricks off of your arm, then held you close. Your vision began to blur. "Shit..." Mumbled a nearby voice. "Porrim?" Asked Kankri. He settled you down."I'll get the others... Wait here.". You settled into unconsciousness.
When you awoke you were in a dark room. "What...?". You sat up. Your arm was bandaged up. The house was wooden and soggy. This wasn't the hospital. This wasn't any house you've been to. The window showed trees and a half covered moon. "Where the hell...?!". You got off of the silk bed you were laying on and ran to the window. You were in the dead middle of a forest. "Holy shit." You whispered to yourself. You saw city lights in the distance, little farms scattered across the prairie,far from the forest. You tried to move the window but it was bolted shut. Shit. Was anyone here??? You wanted to remain silent in case you were kidnapped by thugs. You crept across the dim-lit room, hoping to find another person. No one was there. The door was unlocked. You carefully turned the knob and peeked through the crack. You saw Vriska, sleeping on a loveseat, snoring like a elephant. Why the fuck was she here??? You felt some paper on the door. A note?

Dear ___;
You may have noticed you are trapped in this room. There is a dress in the closet. Wear it, change out of that bloody fukin outfit.
Your king

Wait what.
Your king?!? Who the hell did he think he was?!? You shoved off your clothes and put on the dress. It slipped down your sides and really showed off your breasts. Wow. It was a purple-violet colour, with long airy sleeves and a bottom that dragged behind you. You stormed out of the room. Where was he?!

"Hello motherfucker. Ain't this a motherfucking suprise.".

Gamzee sat in the corner of the room. You flinched and growled under your breath ; "you... You injured Nepeta. You injured Equius and Kurloz!".he nodded casually. That bastard!!! You stepped toward him, your hands itching to punch his stupid grin. A hand grabbed your shoulder. "Eridan!" You gasped, leaping away from him. You were in a house with a killer, a bully and a psycho. "Back off, traitor!" You hissed. Eridan looked grim and dark, making you shiver. He held the shotgun in his hand. You backed up against the wall. "Get away!!!" You half sobbed,half yelled. He smiled creepily. "Don't be so afraid. I am your king. And you are my queen.". Ok, this guy was crazy. "Queen? Me? Hell no! I'm not your queen , and your not my king!". He raised the shotgun to your head. You flinched. "Yes. You. Are.". He put down the gun. "If feferi won't be my Queen... You will.". He turned and walked into another room, his purple cape flowing behind him. Vriska laughed. "Your doomed!". You looked at her, glaring; "no shit sherlock!".

What the fuck was wrong with Eridan?!
Was everyone ok?!
Was Kankri coming to help you???

You walked back to the room and locked yourself in the closet. You started to cry.

Kankri's pov~

I rubbed my ear lobes. "Gee, thanks for the ear bleed Karkat. Try not to be so loud. And, yes, I told the police. They're trying to locate them.". Karkat groaned and continued to pace up and down our hallway in our home. Our dad was in the kitchen on a call delivering the news to ____'s dad. I had to tell Karkat the news. It wasn't going so well. He ran upstairs and crabbed his cell phone. I heard him mash buttons on his phone. There was a short moment of silence.
"Hello, where the fuck is Sollux?.... Can I speak to him?.... .... Ok .... .... SOLLUX!!!I KNOW YOU WERE BLINDED AND KNOCKED OUT WHILE SHIT WENT DOWN BUT _____ WAS KIDNAPPED BY ERIDAN!!!! ................Feferi? ... Oh. Well...... ... She got shot with a shotgun.".

Aradia's pov~

"WHAT?!?" I heard Sollux scream. I was taking care of my friends at at the hospital when I heard Sollux start screaming into his cell. His dad tried to get the phone away from him, but Sollux grabbed onto the phone harder, refusing to let go. "FEFRI GOT SHOT WITH A SHOTGUN?!?" He yelled. Nepeta's head peeked around the corner. "oh god, a SHOTGUN?!". "Those ... Idiots." Mumbled Equius. "hold on, hold on, KK wants to say something else...". Everyone was quiet as Sollux listened to KK over the phone. "Oh god, KANAYA TOO?!........ The body was never found? Oh shit!". Nepeta gasped. I just covered my mouth and stared out the room'is window. Oh god. Not Kanaya. Not Feferi. My friends. My poor friends... "Oh, KK..." Sollux rambled on again, "you said something about ____?". I looked over my shoulder. Sollux paused for a bit. "Oh god." He whispered. "What?!" Equius asked. "____ was said to be spotted being carried away unconscious buy a figure. The police says that person was...." He paused again for dramatic effect; "... Eridan.". Everyone in the room either gawked or gasped. I, however, turned back to the window and started to cry. Equius gave me a worried look. "Don't be sad, Aradia. She will be ok.". I tried to hold my tears back. "I know, I know. I just feel so helpless.".

Your pov~
He knocked on the closet door. "Go away murderer!!!" You screeched, tears soaking into your dress. He sighed. "Please don't leave me like Feferi did. Please don't. Please, ___...". You scooted backwards. "...huh???". "She left me for Sol... She left me.". You couldn't believe this stupidity. "Asshole!!! Her and Sollux were best friends, and she started hanging out with Sollux because YOU ignored her!!!". He was silent for a bit, Then he walked away and got into his bed. Ignorant prick. You laid back and waited for any signal that someone was going to help you. Any sound. Any Voice. Anything. Suddenly, you remembered your cell phone was in up your jeans. You reached into your pocket and grabbed the phone, turning it on and sear
Ching the phone numbers. You were about to dial 911 but stopped. No. It wasn't safe yet. You had to wait for a perfect opening.

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