Chapter 18~ the perfect opening

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Your pov~

You heard the door knock. You opened your eyes with a jolt and shoved the phone down your bra. "____, come out now. It's safe." Eridan murmured. You saw light shine through the door's cracks. "P-promise you won't hurt me!" You demanded. He tapped his foot. You knew him well enough that he was impatient. "Please." He pleaded. You unlocked the door and he reached out his hand to you. His hand was in a silk glove, he was dressed in a formal suit, his outfit a shade of dark purple. You carefully took his hand and he lead you to the outdoors. He pointed to the bushes. "If you need to take a bathroom break use those bushes.". PERFECT. You nodded and hurried behind the bushes. You waited. He remained there, staring. "Can you...leave?" You asked. He nodded blankly and left without a word. The moment he was gone you started sprinting top to the wilderness, grabbing your phone and dialling 911. The phone dialled and then bleeped, a voice came on; "hello, this is 911. What's your problem?". You stopped and hid in the roots of a tree, panting heavily.

"This is ____ (insert your last name), I was kidnapped by Eridan Ampora, I..... I.... I need help. Send police. They're armed. G...Gamzee, he's here too.... Send Kankri along. Find Kankri Vantas, send him with the police. Please, help! I'm out of time, I...". You paused as the officer scribbled something down. "Yes, yes, slow down, we'll locate you and send our staff out immediately. Hang on miss ____. The police and Kankri will be there soon.". The phone fizzed then the tone went on.


You pressed the 'end call' button, relaxing your body. They would save you. You quickly buried the cellphone lightly in the mud. You'd come back for it later. You ran back to the house and walked calmly inside Vriska glared at you from across the room. "You look oddly happy. The fuck is up with you?!". You gave her a confident grin and simply replied; "well, I feel like it's going to be a good day.". She shrugged and continued to watch TV. you headed back to your closet and re-locked it, settling down in your dirty clothes. They would rescue you. Kankri would. Your sure he would save you. He would... Yet you feared he'd never see you again.

Kankri's pov~
I heard a knock on the door. I opened it. A officer stood at the doorway. "Are you Kankri Vantas?" He asked. I stood still for a moment, then nodded, "yes, I'm Kankri. Is ther a problem, officer?". He held up a photo of ___. "She gave us a 911 call not too long ago. She told us the whereabouts and requested you come along. Is your father home?". I looked upstairs. He was asleep, so was Karkat. "No... He said to me if I ever had a chance like this to take it, though. He wants ___ safe." I lied. He took the lie and told me to get ready and meet him outside in a bit. I hurried back inside and wrote a note saying 'going to Mituna's house, be back soon' and hurried out the door, shoving my sneakers on. The cop and me got in the car and started driving with other cars down ypthe street. We then got to a prairie road. A forest loomed ahead of us a few miles away. Wherever she was, I hoped ___ was ok.

Karkat's pov~

I woke up and went too see what dad was doing. He seemed to be blabbering away on the phone. One I got close to the room. He slammed the phone down. I flinched. What he he pissed about?! "Dad?" I asked. He looked at me. His eyes seemed troubled. "____'s dad has committed suicide the day after he heard ____ was kidnapped. He leapt from the 4th story window of a building wearing a noose... The noose snapped and sent him flying into the streets where he was crushed and driven over...". I gasped and ran to tell Kankri... But he wasn't there. A note was attached to the table. So he was at Mituna's, eh? I had to tell him. "Dad, I'm going out." I yelled, then ran out of the house in my flip-flops and PJ's, sprinting over the frosted grass. I finally reached Mituna's house... But his shoes weren't at the door. Kankri always left his shoes outside to avoid tracking mud. No footsteps touched the frost by put mine, and Kanri never uses the back door to enter a house, ever. EVER. I had a moment of realization. That moron was going after ___. I looked at the police cars carefully driving toward the forest. He was there. I knew it. I saw Sollux's bike lazily leaning against the fence. So he forgot to lock it up, huh? Good. I'll be needing that bike. I took the bike and peddled quickly down the prairie road. I needed to help ____, even though she doesn't love me, were still old friends. I will protect her with my life. Always.

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