Chapter 16

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Your pov~
You waved goodbye to Karkat and turned back to Nepeta. Her eyes were cloudy and sad. You suddenly remembered her Fantasy of her and Karkat. "Oh my god, Nepeta, I'm sorry....". "Is it something I did... Something I didn't do?" She mumbled. "No, no! Nepeta, Terezi just confessed to him and they... They're together now. As long as... Well.... I'm sorry this happened Nepeta.". You didn't know what to say to cheer her up. She just waved you away so you left. You heard a car alarm go off in the distance. You looked out and saw the Peixes household, the giant purple a mansion not too far from the small hospital. On of the mansion's cars was on fire. You got a sudden jolt of alarm. Feferi!!! She was standing beside Sollux and Eridan. What was going on?! "Karkat, stay here! Something's going on at Fef's house!!! Be right back!". You raced down the hallway to where Kankri was hanging out with his friends in Kurloz's hospital room. Meenah was in there. "Meenah! The car out front of your house is in fire! Feferi's in trouble!!!". Meenah gasped and ran out of the room. You grabbed Kankri's hand and ran after Meenah. The rest followed. Karkat, however, stayed behind.

You reached the front lawn where Eridan was punching Sollux. Both were bleeding, Eridan was winning. Feferi was frozen in fear, screaming for them to stop. Sol got up and punched Eridan in the nose, making him stumble back. Eridan picked up a bace ball bat he used to smash the car and hit Sollux, sending Sollux into the brick wall. He was knocked unconscious. Meenah ran out of the house with a shotgun. "WHY DO THEY HAVE A SHOTGUN!?!" Yelled Kankri, taking you to safety behind a wall. "Die motherfucker!!!" Declared Meenah. Feferi screamed "NO!!!" And hit the gun onto the ground, shoving Meenah away. Eridan grabbed the shotgun and-


"FEFERI NOO!!!!!".

You saw dark velvet blood pour onto the grass. "I came as fast as I could, Porrim! I brought the chainsaw from the shed! Wha-" Kanaya froze, staring at her bloody friend. Feferi gasped for air. "FEFERI! Oh my god!!!" Meenah whimpered, holding her sister. Kanaya looked up at him, her teeth clenched. She turned on the chainsaw and leapt at him. "BASTAAAARD---!"


Kanaya fell limp to the ground. You screamed and hid your face in Kankri's sweater. Please, let this nightmare stop!!! You heard sirens and you saw him run out of the corner of his eye. After he was out of sight you and Porrim ran to Kanaya. Luckily she was still alive. "Uhhr...._-_...__?" She stammered your name. You began to cry. "". The ambulance Nd police car pulled up. The fire on the car glowed. You heard a flicker of gasoline.

"EVERYBODY! GET AWAY FROM THE CAR!!!" Yelled the police. Before you could move Kankri wrapped himself around you, his back facing the car. You closed your eyes. There was no time to move.


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