Chapter 20

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Your pov~

You lean on Kankri as the police Cheak your leg. "The bullet is deep... It will take a bit of work to get it out. You'll be in the hospital for a while.". You heard tires skid on mud. Karkat suddenly ran out of the trees and hugged you, almost making you fall. "Oh my god! Your ok!!!". You smiled. "Hi Karkat.". Karkat looked at Kankri, Staring at the gun. "You protected her. Thank you.". Kankri smiled back at Karkat. You looked over and saw another car pull up. Kurloz lept out, Meulin following fast behind him. Karkat paused for a moment but then ran after the couple. You waited. After a while Kurloz came out with his brother and Meulin. Karkat was patting Gamzee's cheek, shooshing him. That seemed to calm him down. Eridan was hauled into a ambulance.

"____!!!" Yelled a voice. Aradia hugged you from behind. You laughed and hugged her back. She grabbed your shoulders to face her. Her eyes were full of tears. "I missed you so much!!! Are you ok?!". You glanced down at your shot leg, then back at her. You smiled weakly. "Kinda...".
"Ahem... Uh... ____...".
You looked at Kanaya. She was sitting down beside the ambulance. The hole was still on her chest, yet she covered it with her purple bow. Eridan's blood was still on her. "I'm glad your safe... Tell the others I'm ok.". The nurses then picked her up and put her in the ambulance as well. You reached over and held Kankri's hand. He blushed, but then smiled and sat beside you. You laid your head on his shoulder and looked up at him. He looked down at you. Aradia blushed a but and shoved Karkat away, fussing and whispering. You continued to look at each other until he leaned forward and kissed you on the nose. You smiled and leaned in. You kissed him on the lips. He was surprised at first, but then was ok with it. When you both pulled apart you laid your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes.

No matter what was going to happen next you and him were together... Finally.

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