Chapter 14

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Karkat's pov~
The phone rang as I sipped the hot cocoa. Kankri got the phone. "Hello, Vantas residence..." He said in that snooty stuck-up formal way. After a moment he handed it to me. "Miss pyrope wants to talk to you.". "You mean Terezi?" I asked. He nodded. I snatched the phone and ran to my room. I sat down on my bed. "Hello?" I asked, trying not to sound exited. I haven't heard from her in a while... I .... MIGHT have been worried... Not saying I was.... Whatever. "Hey Karkat!" She replied. "Why'd you call?" I asked. "BECAUSE I heard _____ rejected you!". I went completely red, blushing in my abnormal red colour. Well, my blood is like a bright, shiny red, it's not normal. My whole family has it. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW,FUCKASS?!?". "Language mister." Kankri ordered from downstairs. "Oh, I don't know, Sol told me...". "HOW THE FUCK DOES SOLLUX KNOW?!?!". "Sol knows Aradia AND Feferi, ____'s close friends.". Oh. "Well, why the fuck did he tell you?". "We were being cops and us police have to trust each other. He knew you and I were close friends so he told me...". I sighed heavily. "Karkat." She said, sounding serious. Her voice had a embarrassing quirk to it. I realized she was worried about something. "Terezi? Are... You ok?". Her voice shook. "Karkat.... I have a.... Crush..... On you.". I stood there, frozen, wondering if she was serious. "What about you and Dave? Aren't you still dating?".

Dear readers
Davesprite does not exist in this fanfic, he will be Dave's pet bird he named Davesprite. This would mean Dave and Jade.... Yea, sorry.
I'm sorry if you ship Karkat&john or Karkat&Dave, jade&karkat or any other ship that gets in the middle of this event. I don't mean to offend anyone who has a different OTP or ship.
"Yes." Replied Terezi. "Then why in the name of god would you tell me this bullshit???". I heard he shuffle on the other side of the phone as if she was shrugging. "I dunno. It's been hanging on my shoulder for a long time.... We should meet and figure this out. Jade was more for Dave anyway.". I thought hard. "I gotta' tell Sol this!" Giggled Terezi. "Why?" I asked. It was pointless to tell Sol. All Sollux did was do video games and homework in his bacement. Smartass. "Well, he could have some tips on helping us... It's complicated, I'll call you back.".

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh. What the fuck did I just hear? Terezi, my childhood friend, has a crush on me?! We met when we were 6.

~another flashback~

The art teacher passed by me and delivered the new student to her desk. She carried a weird, long cane. She sat down and picked up red chalk. Her hair was ginger-blonde and she wore red sunglasses. The teacher began to speak;
"This is Terezi pyrope, our new student! She's blind so please be nice to her."
. ____, the girl I helped a few days ago, smiled. She sat beside Aradia in the row in front of me. "Wow, cool cane!". Terezi blushed. "T-thanks.". Vriska raised her hand. She didn't wait for the teacher to pick her. "If she's blind WHY is she in a art class? She can't see so she can't draw! She's creepy with her dumb cane make her go away!". Vriska sat in the back corner away from everyone else. Sollux hissed with his lisp, "back off! She's new Vriska, have some respect!". Vriska threw clay at Sollux's glasses. He fell over and crushed ____'s origami dog. Vriska laughed. The teacher gasped. "Vriska serket how DARE you!!!". Terezi suddenly took her cane and bonked Vriska on the head. Vriska screeched and started to cry. "Bully, bully! Your a dumb, blind, bully!!!". I saw Terezi's pale blind eyes swell with tears. I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't listen to her." I told Terezi. "What, do you want to insult my blindness, too?!". "No." Said Sollux "we want to be your friends!".

____ helped sollux off her desk as Vriska was delivered to the office. Terezi and I started to colour. She sniffed. "are you ok?" I asked. She randomly leaned over and licked my cheek. "Mmmmm your skin tastes.... Red. I love red.". She returned to colouring. I felt my cheek. Was she talking about my blood colour? ... Wow. That was the first time someone said she liked my blood colour.

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