Chapter 13 - the sleepover

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Your pov~

You and Aradia headed to the kitchen to make snacks. Tavros Feferi and Eridan sat in the living room. Aradia looked at you. "So... How about you and Kankri? Karkat?". You shrugged. "Awwww, c'mon ____! Something MUST have happened.". "Well, I stayed overnight and Kankri's house... He got in bed with me and I snuggled up to him without 'triggering' him.". Aradia smiled, but It quickly disappeared. "What... About Karkat?". You froze, your body tensing. "He's been ignoring me..." You sighed. The popcorn began to pop. You and Aradia stared at the popcorn. "Remember when we were little, popping popcorn at our sleepovers? With nepeta and Feferi?". You nodded. The first sleepover you had here was also the same day you met Karkat. It was in grade 1.
You sat with Aradia on the swings on a sunny afternoon. You planned a sleepover together. "I'll ask my mom to make us popcorn!!! Everything will be set up; the beds, snacks, everything!". You smiled. "Candy too?" You asked. "yes!!! I've been saving up! Here's a sample!". Aradia pulled out a small bag and inside was a ton of chocolate bars. Before Aradia could put the candy away you heard footsteps on the gravel behind you. The candy bag was snatched from Aradia's hands. Vriska stood behind you. "Mine now!" She laughed evilly and turned to run. You grabbed Vriska's shoulder. "That's Aradia's candy, stop it-"


You fell backward. Vriska punched you strait in the nose. Aradia yelled "___!!!" and the rest of the kids looked at you. Your nose was bleeding a bit and everything spun. You felt a hand on your shoulder. "Hey! Wake up stupid!!!". You opened your eyes and saw a young boy, your age, beside you. "I'm Karkat Vantas. I'm here to help. C'mon, stupid, get up!". Aradia came over with the nurse. Karkat lifted you into a sitting position. He flicked a tear off your cheek that you didn't know was there. "I'll help you. I won't let Vriska beat you up .". You smiled. "Thanks Karkat.".
~flashback over~

You blinked and stared at the floor. "Fuck...". You sighed. "I dont know what to do, Aradia... I... Karkat has always been there for me... I can't turn away from him. I just can't!". Aradia opened the microwave and poured the popcorn into bowls. The stared steadily at the counter. "It hurts me to see you like this." She replied after a long, awkward silence. "Do what you have to do. C'mon. The others are waiting for us in the living room.". You followed Aradia to the others who cheered as the popcorn arrived. After everyone started to eat Eridan got up, quietly said he had to use the bathroom, then left the room. After he left Feferi frowned. "That guy's been acting weird lately, ever since Sollux and I became friends.". "Uhhh,,,Jealousy?" Tavros asked. Feferi shrugged. "I'm worried about him.". You put a hand to your forehead. What the fuck is happening. Your mom is dead. Kankri has no clue. Karkat hated you. The city is a mess, Gamzee is on the loose, murders show up, a new one each day, maybe three... But here you are with your friends, separated from the world, talking about calm everyday conversations while the world around you goes on and none of you seem to care. You felt strangely numb. Like you were about to burst into violent sobbing but you couldn't. You could try and try and not shed a single tear.
You've felt this for weeks.
Ever since Karkat rejected you.
And it keeps

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