Chapter Fourteen - Home

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You and Karamatsu glance at each other in fear and rush to the room. Your eyes widen when you force the door open.

"Ichimatsu! Stop!" you yell, immediately regretting it when he turns around.

His face was contorted into one of insanity and hate, along with remorse and love. His clothes were bloody, and his right hand geld tightly to the kitchen knife.

"(Y-Y/N)! Wh-What are you doing here? I-I told y-you not to..." Ichimatsu narrowed his eyes at Karamatsu, who stood in front of you protectively.

"Brother.. please stop this..." he said slowly, his eyes full of tears at the sight of his older brother and Choromatsu bloody and on the floor.

Todomatsu was clinging onto Jyushimatsu, who fearlessly stood in front of his younger brother, determined to protect him.

You feel tears sliding down your cheeks as you choke out a sob. Your eyes glassy with tears and your cheeks red.

"Please... Please, Ichimatsu.. Don't do this.." you say, looking at him with your glossy, pleading eyes. "Please.."

"(Y-Y/N), you don't understand! They're in the way! W-We can be together, just you and me! F-Forever! I-I just need to get rid of th-then!" Ichimatsu says, his fave in a crooked, crazed smile.

Ichimatsu took a step towards Karamatsu, his eyes full of hatred.

"Brother. Stop." Karamatsu warned.

"N-Niisan!" Todomatsu wailed, tears endlessly flowing out of his baby-ish eyes. "Niisan! Karamatsu niisan!" Todomatsu cried, trying to get up and protect his older brother. "L-Let me go Jyushimatsu niisan! K-Karamatsu gonna get h-hurt!"

Jyushimatsu solemnly shook his head and held onto his brother shoulder.


This was your fault.

All of this happened because of you.

You are the reason Ichimatsu became a monster.

I'm sorry.

You felt time slow down as you shoved Karamatsu away from Ichimatsu's knife, which was header straight for him, and took his spot. You let out a gag as you feel the steel of the knife slide into your stomach, piercing your vital organs.

I'm sorry.

"(Y/N)!" Ichimatsu screamed, letting go of the knife and leaving it in you. "Oh my god! (Y/N)! I-I'm so sorry! (Y/N)! Please!"

Ichimatsu knelt down beside you, forgetting his brothers. He clutched your hand and kept on looking at the knife inside of you.

"Oh god.. This is my fault.. I-I'm so sorry (Y/N).." Ichimatsu whispered.

You softly smile and bring a hand up to Ichimatsu's cheek, He grabs it and holds it there.

"Ichimatsu.. I'm....sorry..." you choke out as you cough up blood, your face a mix of tears and blood.

You feel pain in your stomach as you let your eyes droop. Your arm limply falls to your side and you can hear a choked out cry. You can feel your body being lifted up and wrapped in an embrace, someone nuzzling your neck, urging you to wake up. You whisper out three words that he would never forget.

"I love you."


Karamatsu looked on in horror. Your dead body was being hugged as Ichimatsu wailed out for you to wake up. "I-Ichimatsu.." Karamatsu says quietly, kneeling next to him.'

Ichimatsu let go of your body, and yanked the knife out of your stomach. "It's your fault! It's your fault she died!" Ichimatsu screeched, lunging at him.

Ichimatsu let out a low chuckle as he mercilessly plunged the knife in and out of Karamatsu's chest, all while one name was whirling around his thoughts.

Standing up, Ichimatsu glanced at his younger brothers with his tearstained face. Todomatsu, who was shaking with his eyes closed in fear, and Jyushimatsu, who was shielding him from Ichimatsu, and had tears running down his cheeks.

A crooked smile curved his lips up as Ichimatsu walked towards them.


Ichimatsu placed the body into the deep grave, which was covered in (F/C) flowers. Kissing the forehead of the body, Ichimatsu let out a choked sob as he buried the body, his heart withering away as he cried his heart out.

I'll never love again.

Patting the dirt with the shovel, Ichimatsu grabbed the various flowerpots he had purchased.

They were mostly Lavender and (F/C).

Planting the flowers, Ichimatsu gave the plants a few sprinkles of water before kneeling at the grave, his heart aching.

"I'm sorry.."

"Home" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now