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You give the woman your plane ticket, and smiled. You grab your bag and walked through with your roommate.

"(Y/N), are you sure about this?" Konoha says to you, worry in her blue eyes.

"Positive. Honestly, Konoha, you're acting like he kidnapped me!" you say cheekily, laughing.

"He technically did!" the blonde shot back before sighing.

You carry your bag onto the plane and sat down next to Konoha. Todomatsu had bought you first class tickets. Setting your bag somewhere in the cabin, you relax. Taking out your phone you text Todomatsu.

I just boarded the plane! See you soon! :)!

Putting your phone on airplane mode, you turn over and get ready to sleep.

"Wake me up if we crash or something." you murmur, your eyelids getting droopy.

"Tch! Alright." Konoha scoffs, turning on the TV.


"(Y/N)." someone says, nudging you.

"Huh? Food?" you say, yawning. You open your eyes and see Konoha.

"We're landing soon. Get ready." she says, grabbing her bags and whatever.

"Alright.." you say, stretching your arms.

You grab your bags and peek outside. Everyone was getting ready by putting their pillows away and whatnot. Sitting up, you patiently wait to land, excited.

"A-Attention all passengers! P-Please don't panic, and duck down and cover your heads. Brace for an abrup-" the message was cut off as the plane began shaking.

"Wh-What's happening?!" you say, clutching the seat.

"We're crashing!" Konoha yells, her blue eyes full of panic.


"We're here!"' Todomatsu squealed looking around.

Only five of them were at the airport, as Jyushimatsu had decided to stay home.

"What plane is (Y/N) in?" Osomatsu asks, looking at the different planes.

"She should be in that blue striped one up there!" Todomatsu says, pointing to a blue striped plane with the company name "Akatsuka" on it.

"Shouldn't it slow down?" Choromatsu says nervously.

"H-He's right! Look it's way too close to the ground now!" Osomatsu says, pointing.

"(Y/N)!" Ichimatsu says, looking at the plane, scared and shocked.

A loud explosion was heard, followed by smoke and fire. The sextuplets rushed outside and saw the front of the plane burning, a rubber slide on the side inflating.

"(Y/N).." Choromatsu says

"N-No way.." Osomatsu whimpers, eyes wide.

"Sh-She's okay, right? I-I bought her first class. Her c-cabin should be in the back, r-right?" Todomatsu says, clutching to Karamatsu.

Ichimatsu just stared in horror and shock. Every fiber in his being told him to run in and find (Y/N). But something stopped him. The electrical shock sent him in a tame, submissive mood, telling him not to go.

Please be okay, (Y/N).


You shake Konoha, tears falling from your eyes at an uncontrollable rate.

"W-Wake up! Wake up, Konoha! I'm right here! Konoha!" you cry.

Blood was splattered on a wall where her head had impacted. You can't feel your lower left leg, but you could care less. Her eyes were closed and her chest had stopped rising and falling

A paramedic came in, and supported you while another came in and carried Konoha.

"Konoha! Sh-She's okay, right? You wail.

"We'll take you to the hospital right now, miss. We'll take care of your friend." the medic says, carrying you out.

You were placed on a stretcher and carried into an ambulance. You caught sight of 5 identical men as the door closed.

"K-Konoha.. Ichimatsu..." you whisper, as you feel something poke you, inducing sleepiness right away.


Everything went by like a blur. Ichimatsu stood there in shock, processing what happened.

"Sh-She's okay right?" Ichimatsu whispers.

The five turned their heads as they hear a familiar voice wail.

"(Y/N)! Konohara! Wait, wh-what's wrong?" Todomatsu says, eyes widening at seeing bloody, blonde hair limply being carried alongside a (H/C) haired girl, who's leg was limp and dragged on the ground.

They rush forward only to be stopped by a guard.

"Please return to the airport. You may find your family or friend at the hospital tomorrow. They're in safe hands, I assure you."

Please be safe. Please come home.

"Home" (Yandere!Ichimatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now