Sea The Light

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(MUSICAL NOTE and CUPCAKE SPRINKLES are carrying a basket and blanket.)

Musical Note: Thanks for organizing this picnic lunch.😄

Cupcake Sprinkles: I told you, it's really nothing.😊

(MUSICAL NOTE and CUPCAKE SPRINKLES arrive at a beachside.)

Musical Note: We're finally here! Swiss geez, that took forever!😆

Cupcake Sprinkles: It only took eight hours.😕

Musical Note: Well, at least that whole walk is in the past now.😉

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES is about to set up the blanket.)

Musical Note: Can we teleport back? I don't think my legs can walk another step.😣

Cupcake Sprinkles: Sister, we don't get much fresh air. We walked here to the beachside, and we'll walk home too😲.

Musical Note: *sighs* Fine.😑

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES sees her sister's annoyed attitude, and decides MUSICAL NOTE needs something to do while she sets up.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: How about you try to find some food for us?🙂

Musical Note: But we packed food.😕

Cupcake Sprinkles: Don't you remember? You ate all the food halfway through the hike.😒

Musical Note: *squees* Right. I'll go find some food.😅

(MUSICAL NOTE walks away to look for food. CUPCAKE SPRINKLES starts setting up the picnic.)

Musical Note: Okay, I just need to find some food for lunch. That shouldn't be too hard! Except that I don't know if a plant's poisonous or not. What if I pick a plant that's poisonous? I COULD LOSE MY SISTER TO POOR JUDGEMENT!😫

(MUSICAL NOTE sees a large colorful flower by the water's edge.)

Musical Note: Ooh, a pretty flower!😃

(MUSICAL NOTE runs up to the colorful flower and smells it. The flower smells terrible.)

Musical Note: Ugh, that does not smell like a flower at all! THIS FLOWER IS AN IMPOSTER!!!😫


Cupcake Sprinkles: Ok, I just finished setting up the picnic-oh my gosh, what is that?😟

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES examines the strange plant.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: Did you smell that thing?😕

Musical Note: Uh, yes?🙁

Cupcake Sprinkles: *gasps* You've gotta be careful smelling that plant! You're gonna turn your song chord to stone!😧

Musical Note: My song chord?😧

Cupcake Sprinkles: Yes, it's the vocal chord you have that enables singing! These plants shoot gas that turn anything into stone! If you accidentally inhale some of the gas, your song chord turns to stone, and you can never sing again.😲


Musical Note: Is that what happened to you, sister?😲

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES was just about to respond when the flower shot out a burst of black and green gas. CUPCAKE SPRINKLES had put a magic shield up just in time.)

Musical Note: That was a close one!😨

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES' magic shield starts to turn to stone.)

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