Friendship And Fortnights

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(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES is on the couch, basking in her own thoughts

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(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES is on the couch, basking in her own thoughts. MUSICAL NOTE sits down next to her on the couch.)

Musical Note: So, are you ready for this?😉

Cupcake Sprinkles: I guess.😕

Musical Note: Come on, don't be so down. What better way to cope with the events of the past two days than a sister movie night?😄

Cupcake Sprinkles: I guess it is kind of exciting.😊

Musical Note: I know. Do you have any ideas of what to watch? I'm clueless.😄

Cupcake Sprinkles: Our neighbors?🙂

(MUSICAL NOTE cocks her head in confusion.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: Kidding! You know we don't have any neighbors.😄


Musical Note: Tell you what. I'm gonna go pop us some popcorn. How about you decide on a movie while I'm doing that?🙂

Cupcake Sprinkles: Will you put extra butter on it?😃

Musical Note: Sure thing.😄

Cupcake Sprinkles: Yay!😁

(MUSICAL NOTE gets up off the couch.)

Musical Note: Catch you in a bit.😃

Cupcake Sprinkles: Okay.😁

(MUSICAL NOTE trots through a door near the stairs that led into the kitchen. As soon as she did, CUPCAKE SPRINKLES squees and opens a small cabinet on the DVD player's stand, pulling out all the DVD's inside. She levitated them around her in a circle in order to see all of them and pick the best one.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: Let's see, what should we watch? We have The Sparkling-nah, Disco Chicken's Epic Adventure-awesome, but still not right; My Little Pygmy The Movie-😕

(A loud explosion occurs from within the kitchen, causing CUPCAKE SPRINKLES to yelp in fear and drop all the DVD's.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: OH MY GOSH!😱

(CUPCAKE SPRINKLES drops everything and bursts through the kitchen door.)

Cupcake Sprinkles: Sister, are you alright?😨

(MUSICAL NOTE is standing in front of the remains of the microwave, holding a towel to her eye to soak up the blood, as her bandage had burnt away from the explosion. She and the entire room were coated with black soot, and there were points in the room where things were on fire.)

Musical Note (weakly): There was a metal spoon packed in the popcorn bag.😨

Cupcake Sprinkles: Geez, we really do have the worst luck. I mean, considering what happened yesterday in Magic City when the ground literally fell out from underneath our hooves, it's not hard to argue with.😧

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