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Time went on almost unnoticed.

Everything happened so fast that when Draco Malfoy reached the door to the master bedroom with two trays of light dinner, it felt as if just few minutes ago he woke up with his frightened wife by his side.

He knocked softly for a few times.

No answer came.



"Please. Let me in. You haven't eaten anything whole day. Hermione?"

When no response came from inside after several awkward moments, Draco let out a heavy sigh and finally entered his own bedroom like an intruder.

He expected her to be lying or sitting on the bed, reminiscing the events alone or crying....

But what he found reminded him again why his wife was an unique woman and why did he love and respect her so much.

Hermione Granger Malfoy was sitting in front of the desk, her bushy hair spread wildly on it, fast asleep. Sheets of parchments were scattered unceremoniously on the desk. The feather quill was lying on the floor, slipping from her hand. The ink pot was dangerously near the edge of the desk.

Draco closed the door without a sound, placed the trays on the bedside table and reached his wife with cautious steps.

At first he thought to wake her up from this uncomfortable position and coax her to have some food.

Then he decided against it.

It had been a rough day for her.

Well, rough day would be an understatement actually.

Her whole world had turned upside down.

The number of scattered parchments told about the labour she went through the evening besides the obvious mental pressure.

She deserved a sound sleep.

With a swish of his wand, the parchments were set neatly on the desk in a pile, the ink-pot and the quill also took their original places inside the drawer.

He then very gently levitated his sleeping wife, very cautious to not wake her up in the process and placed her lightly on the bed, placed a stasis charm on the dinner tray to keep the food warm and fresh, drew the blanket lovingly on her, kissed her forehead and left.

After their marriage, Draco and Hermione shared the master bedroom of the manor. The mistress's bedroom was left unused.

This morning, Draco arranged for the mistress's bedroom to be transformed into his own living quarters on temporary basis, as long as Hermione was uncomfortable around him.

Lying down on the bed all alone, Draco Malfoy just kept staring at the ceiling, watching nothing in particular.

Although he was tired both physically and mentally, sleep didn't grace him with its soothing presence.

Analysing the events of the day over and over again in his mind was not the only reason behind this sleepless night. His obvious discomfort on the room was also an important reason behind this.

The room felt exceptionally large and cold to him. It almost felt like the hotel rooms he needed to stay when he was out of hometown to attend meetings or summits as the head of the ministry of foreign relations. The room was well kept and equipped with all the materials to make the stay comfortable. But no amount of beautiful landscapes can replace the calming effect of the family photographs of one's own bedroom and never a highly expensive cover or blanket can replace the warmth of a loving person lying beside him.

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