494 22 3

It was late afternoon, one week later from when Draco decided to take the test to reveal the names of his biological parents. Draco and Hermione were standing in front of the work table in Hermione's lab. The lab was situated inside the dungeons of the Malfoy Manor and was lit with only candles. There was no openings through which daylight could enter.

In front of them, in a cauldron, a potion was simmering. The colour of the potion was pale golden, which Hermione rechecked from her notes to be correct at this stage.

She looked up at Draco. His whole body was tensed.

She said softly, "Three more minutes and then we have to add two drops of your blood."

He just nodded silently.

"Draco, you still have time. If you don't want to do this, it is perfectly fine."

"I am not backing out now, not at this point."

"Okay. Good. Here, take this needle. You just have to prick your finger with this and remember, two drops only."

Draco took the needle from Hermione and moved closer to the cauldron.

"On count of three, okay?" Hermione said.


"Hmm... Just a few moments... Relax... All right... One. Two. Three."

Without losing a moment, Draco pricked his index finger with the needle and blood started to come out. He withdrew his hand as two drops of blood fell into the cauldron. The potion started to bubble heavily with a loud hissing sound and after few seconds, it turned dark maroon.

After the bubbles were completed gone, Hermione laid out a parchment on a silver tray and poured the entire potion on it.

The parchment was now completely covered with the potion. After a few seconds of holding breaths, letters started to appear slowly as though those were being itched on the potion covered parchment.

The process seemed painstakingly slow.

After what felt like a lifetime, the words - 'LUCIOUS BRUTUS MALFOY'
appeared on the page.

Both of them let out a breath they didn't realise they were holding.

The process started again in the next line.

The first letter that appeared was 'L'.

Draco unconsciously clutched on Hermione's hand. The tension was palpable.

Next letters started to appear...




At this point, Draco let out through his clenched teeth, "Oh, come on! Get it over with!"



Then it took a gap, indicating the completion of the first word.

"Lyubov!" Draco read it aloud, unaware of everything around him.

"Seems Russian", said Hermione, "Look, the middle name has started to appear."

"Yeah... It is V. A. S. I. L..... Umm... Vasilisa. Okay, Lyubov Vasilisa.... Then?"






"Vasyu...", Hermione read aloud.

"T. I. N.... Vasyutin. Lyubov Vasilisa Vasyutin."

"Yes, Lyubov Vasilisa Vasyutin."

"Oh, Merlin, that is my mother's name, my actual original mother! It's... It's definitely not British... Most probably Russian.... I... I don't know what to feel... I... Umm... What should I do? I don't feel anything at all! Lyubov Vasilisa... It sounds so much like the name of a stranger. Actually, it is a name of a stranger. I mean, my mother, but a stranger, that is to say-"

"Draco, you are hyperventilating. Stop it. Here, sit. Take some deep breaths."

"Yeah... Yeah... Thank you, Hermione. By the way, your name also doesn't sound quite British to me."

"Thank you very much", Hermione rolled her eyes, "I would let you go with an insult to my name, only this time, considering the circumstances. Keep it in mind."

"Yeah. Umm... Sorry. I didn't mean it that-"

"It's okay. How are you feeling?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Come. Let's go to bed. I have a vial of Dreamless Sleep ready for you. You better get some rest."

Breakfast next morning was a somber affair.

After a good night's sleep, Draco felt better. But he was nowhere in his normal mood. Hermione decided to give him some space and chose to focus on the papers that came from Ministry of Foreign Affairs about people going to and coming from Russia in the years 1979 and 1980.

The absence of the children was also felt heavily. They were already sent to The Burrow after Narcissa's funeral. It was best for the children to be somewhere safe and cheerful. So, when Molly and Arthur Weasley invited them to stay with them for a few weeks, neither Draco nor Hermione hesitate to give permission. There, the children would be delighted to play with a housefull of Weasley children and Molly and now retired Arthur would be at home always to make sure of their safety.

After almost an hour was over on the breakfast table, Hermione peeked at Draco. It was evident that he was doing nothing but toying with his food for last one hour, while his mind was far off.

Hermione touched his arm gently and said, "Draco?"


"Please eat something. Would you like have something special? I'm sorry, but I don't remember your favourite dishes. So..."

"It's okay. I don't feel like having anything heavy. I would just ask Maddy to bring a bowl of fresh cut fruits. That would be sufficient for me."

"Okay. I just... I just want you to know that I am always here, with you. And this a trying time. We should take better care of our health. Otherwise we won't be able to survive this. Merlin knows what the bustard is planning now!"

"Speaking of the bustard", said Draco, "I have this gut feeling in me, which actually doesn't have any factual base at all, that the secret of birth is somehow related to this. It has some place somewhere in this whole scenario."

"Umm... Draco, maybe you are a bit overwhe-"

"Don't disregard this, please, Hermione. I know that I sound crazy, but all I can think about is to delve into this mystery of this person called Lyubov Vasilisa Vasyutin, the woman who gave birth to me. And solving this mystery may shed some light onto our mysterious enemy or enemies."

"Alright. If that is what you want, I am with you."

"Thank you, Hermione."

Draco placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

In that exact moment, the sudden appearance of Pansy Perkinson's face in the fireplace, startled the couple.

"Hey, lovebirds, have you taken a look into today's Daily Prophet?" Said Pansy, "I guess not. Otherwise you wouldn't have been sitting calmly and cuddling at breakfast!"

"Whoa! What happened?" Draco asked.

Pansy said, "Apparently there is going to be an uprising of an army of former Death Eaters and their families to bring back the Dark Lord to life and you, Draco Malfoy, are the mastermind in this."

"What the f***!"

A/N- Happy Sunday, dear readers.

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