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The next morning came with gloomy weather and incessant rain. When Hermione opened her eyes, there was a dull ache above her eyes, which no doubt came from an almost sleepless night. Her whole body was protesting to come out of the bed. It was cozy and comfortable under the warm blanket. But the blanket wasn't the only source of warmth and comfort. Soon she became aware of another human body pressed against her back, enveloping her with strong arms and legs from behind.

For a fraction of second, she stiffened. But then, the very familiar scent of the said person filled her nostrils, soothing her more.

She turned to face him.

Even while sleeping, Draco was having a deep frawn and tight jaws. It was quite evident that he wasn't having much success at a peaceful sleep than she did.

She remembered the previous night.

After the shocking revelation from Malfoy about the death of Ron and his own father, none had the energy to speak anything for a long time.

At length Hermione proposed to return to their respective beds and get some sleep.

To her surprise, Draco had hesitantly asked whether he could stay the rest of the night with her - "If you want, I can sleep on the couch too, no problem. I just... I just want to know that you are in the same room... That would be enough for me", he said.

And she was more surprised at her own response when she told him that he could sleep on the bed with her.

Hermione slowly untangled herself from Draco's sleeping form. He mumbled something in sleep, then turned over and went into sleep again.

She got down from the bed and tip-toed to the bathroom. A hot shower was all she could think of right now.

The mid morning found Hermione sitting in front of her desk, engrossed in reading a battered copy of 'Guide to Advanced Occlumency '.

Yes, Occlumency was the answer.

It would be the first barrier against the unknown attacker of her sanity.

The previous night she Occluded her mind before going to sleep. But she was not sure how much effectively she could do it, especially after being out of practice for all these years. That was the main reason she summoned her old copy of the Occlumency guide. Another reason was, well, whenever did Hermione Granger need a particular reason for reading a book!?

When she was in the process of going through the book a second time, a soft knock at her door made her look up from her reading.

It was Draco.

"Hey, come in."

"I just wanted to check if you're alright."

"I am.... well, 'fine' would be lying, but not as devastated as last night."

Draco nodded in understanding and said, "Last night I wasn't of much help, I am afraid. I should have been more composed, instead I lost my mind and said things I shouldn't have-"

"Hey, stop. It's okay. You take too much burden on yourself. Accept the fact that you are human too and under tremendous pressure from several aspects of your life."

Draco came closer. He held her hand gently. Looking straight into her eyes he said, "Hermione, I can go through every adversity that may come in to my life. I have been through worse before. But, this strain in our relationship....this inability to lean on you....this tip-toeing around you....not being able to myself....not being able to hug you tight when it feels like the world is shattering around me....this, this is what that's killing me from inside."

Saying this, he closed his eyes tightly and abruptly let go of her hand. It was clear that the moment he said those words, he regretted it. It was not easy for him to voice his inner most insecurity out loud, in the broad daylight, to his memoriless wife.

But, as if reading his exact thoughts, Hermione took hold of his hand that he was withdrawing.

His eyes opened in surprise. For a moment it reflected how vulnerable he felt. Then his eyes found the beloved face of his wife and seeing the soft blush spreading over her face, he relaxed a bit.

Hermione said, "You know what, I am not as hateful to you as I was when I woke up with my altered memory. Now I don't doubt your every intention. I have seen and heard enough of you to know that you would never do anything to harm me. And.... and I didn't plan to say it this soon, but.... well, I am not as indifferent to you as before."

Draco had a sharp intake of breath. He couldn't believe his own ears. In his dreams, he had so many times seen Hermione coming to him, telling him that she loved him like before. Well, this wasn't a declaration of love, yet it was something which made him hope, hope for more.

His hands reached inadvertently to her face. His fingers touched the side of her face tentatively, as if to make sure that she wasn't a dream. The heat of her flushed skin and the tremble under his fingers told him that she was indeed there, with him, under his fingers.

None of them knew who took the first step, but suddenly they were close, too close to each other, their bodies touching, feeling the heat emanating from the other.

Too many emotions were screaming inside both of their heads that it was a jumbled mess. It was hard to make out one emotion from another, less take action on one. So they stopped thinking altogether.

But, their bodies seemed to have minds of their own.

Draco didn't know when his other hand came to bury into her bushy hair. Hermione too was unaware of her right hand reaching to rest on his frantically beating heart.

It felt surreal to both of them.

Only a thin film of air separated them and that too was sparkling with anticipation.

Giving a slight nudge under her chin, Draco tilted Hermione's face upwards.

He looked fully at her. Her eyes were closed, eyelids were flattering and her lips were slightly opened in invitation. She looked so soft, so inviting and yet, so vulnerable. She wasn't sure of her feelings towards him yet, but her treacherous body was screaming to give in to the igniting passion deep inside her.

She went along with her instinct.

She trusted him.

And he would never break that trust. Even when she was giving in to a moment of passion, he would not, could not take advantage of that moment.

Yes, they were closer.

But, still there was a long way to go.

He would be satisfied with 'not so indifferent as before' for now.

So, instead of her trembling lips, he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and held her in a tight embrace.

A/N: Hi, Happy Sunday to you all!

Here is this new chapter for you.

Let me know how did you like it. What about the almost kiss, huh? A very mature man, isn't he?

And, please don't be mad. The almost kiss will surely convert to a full blown kiss in time. (wink. wink)

Stay tuned for that.

See you all on next Sunday.

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