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Inside that ancient, cold, dark cave, there was this chamber - large enough to fit in a Quidditch stadium.

But that was not the reason why all the observers had their jaws dropped.

It was the rows and rows of shelves, neatly organized with ancient books and jars of potion ingredients and the obvious set up of Potions lab, complete with work table, cauldrons with different sizes and materials, burners, tubes, mortars and pestles, stirring rods. On one corner, there was a comfortable chair and a worktable scattered with parchments, books, ink bottles and quills.

"Unbelievable!" Draco whispered, "Are we really standing at the workplace of- "

"Yeah... Seems so. And after the blood magic, there's no doubt that it is Novokov."

Bill was looking at the Potion ingredients stacked on the shelves.

He said, "Roots of Angel's Trumpet, dried berries of Belladona, Death-cap, Moonseed, seeds of Hemlock... Merlin! All these are ingredients for deadly poisons!"

"There are lots of books on dark magic, as well", Harry observed, "I bet, we'll easily get enough illegal or dark objects here to arrest that Lobs or Novokov or whatever his name is. Timothy really has done a brilliant job by discovering something like this, considering in the beginning he only had vague information or no information at all."

A sudden gasp from Hermione startled others.

She has been going through the parchments on the table since they first came in to the room. Now she was clutching something which looked like a magical photo album. She was looking at whatever photo there was with round eyes and agape mouth.

Draco, Harry and Bill rushed to her side and looked over her shoulder at the pages she was staring at.

A same startled cry came of Draco and Harry.

Bill frowned, "Aren't these Malfoy kids?"

The early morning sun beams entered into the cosy, little room at The Burrow. The soft sunlight through the pale blue curtains created a magical show of light and shadow.

Little Miss Jean Malfoy snuggled deeper into her blanket, relishing the early morning sleep.

But that moment of bliss was short-lived. Soon she was being jerked out of sleep by her brother,

"Jean, Jeanny, wake up! Look outside!"

"Mmmm... Lemmesweeeep..."

"Nooo! Wake up. Look outside. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wa- "

Rest of the words were muffled by the pillow thrown at him by his irritated sister.

But before the pillow fight broke in, Jean's eyes caught the scene outside the window.

"Wowwww! It's snow world!"

"That's what I was trying to tell you, idiot!"

"Hey, I'm not idiot!"

"Idi- "

"Hugo! Jean! Enough. I know you're awake. Come downstairs. Gran'ma Molly has made yummy breakfast for you all!" Shouted Mrs Weasley from downstairs.

After freshening up and having a quick yummy breakfast, the Malfoy kids rushed outside, doned in warm clothes, jackets, mufflers, gloves, socks and shoes... Because the outside was totally covered in fresh snow, the first snow of the year, that fell throughout the previous night.

Fred and Roxanne, children of George and Angelina, joined them. Malfoy children were good friends with them already. But this time, they were staying at The Burrow for the longest and this strengthened their friendship more.

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