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It was dark.

It was cold.

At first, she couldn't understand where she was.

Then, she could see a soft light from somewhere far.

Following the light, she eventually came to a big hall, an all too familiar hall with high glass windows and grotesque Gothic structure.

It was that hall of the Malfoy Manor, where she was branded 'Mudblood' on her arm by the insane witch Bellatrix Lestrange.

A sudden chill went down her spine.

She looked around her. The room was dark and deserted. The only source of light was the soft moonlight coming through the window.

Looking closely, she found that it was a full moon night. From somewhere far, a werewolf howled. Almost immediately, it's reply came from another direction. So, there were more than one werewolf out there.

She felt someone's presence in the room.

She reached for her wand. But before she could draw it, a powerful spell hit her from behind.

She felt herself pinned to one of the columns of the room. She was under the full body binding spell.

In the faint moonlight, she could see the very familiar pointed face with diamond blond hair - the face of her attacker, the face of her husband.

"Hello, wife", he smirked while playing with his wand.

With a flick of his wand, there was light in the room and in that light what she saw, made the hairs at the back of her neck stand.

On the floor, there was a tortured and battered body of a man... his dress was torn and dirty, barely covering him... He was laying face down... His limbs were spread out in awkward position.... Only the irregular rise and fall of his back was proof that he was still alive.

Hermione would recognise the man anywhere, in any condition.

This was the body of  none other than Ronald Weasley, her beloved Ron.

"Quite surprised, I see", said the evil Slytherin.

Hermione could feel her eyeballs almost coming out of its socket as all her attempts to scream, shout and free herself from the bondage failed.

"Tsk. Tsk. Don't try so hard, darling. Stay calm and just enjoy the show."

Then he kicked Ron at his side.

A slight groan escaped from the tortured man.

Another kick.

And his body turned to face Hermione.

At the view of his almost mutilated face, Hermione felt hot tears wetting her chicks.

"You know, wife, he has been like this for last fifteen years, at the dungeon of the Malfoy Manor. While you were happily married to me, your darling Ron was just here, in this building, rotting in the dungeons. I wonder, if he could hear your cries of ecstasy each time I f*** you! Just think, what he must have felt, huh?"

Anger, desperation and humiliation tried to burst out from inside her.

And within a blink of an eye, Draco raised his wand and cried, "CRUCIO!"

Ron's body started thrashing on the floor. He didn't have any more strength to scream. An pitiful groan like sound was coming out of his open mouth along with a trail of blood.

Hermione tried to close her eyes, yet the body binding curse didn't let her. Even if she couldn't bear it anymore, she was forced to witness as Malfoy continued to torture Ron in front of her eyes.

She didn't know how much time had passed in that excruciating agony. But what felt like forever, heavy footsteps were heard to be coming closer. And in no time, a team of Aurors, lead by Harry, entered.

The Aurors started to duel with Malfoy and Malfoy, as if having supernatural skill, kept on fighting that one versus five duel with strength and aggression.

Harry rushed to her and freed her from the body binding spell.

"Accio Hermione's wand!"

Her wand flew towards them and with a tight grip she caught it.

Then everything went on in a flurry, Hermione tending to Ron, fighting with Malfoy, duelling with all fierceness...

At length, they ultimately go Malfoy cornered and he was under full body binding spell, looking at them like a caged animal.

A groan from the other corner of the room got their attention.


Harry and Hermione rushed to his side.

He tried to lift his arm to touch Hermione's face, but after a few inches it fell to the ground with a thud. Hermione gently wrapped the fallen arm in her own and lifted it to touch her face. Time stood still.

"Ron...." she whispered.

He wasn't in a condition to speak. Just a tear slided from the corner of his eye to the ground. He looked deeply into her eyes. And then, his eyes were still.

She didn't know what happened after that. She cried, screamed, clutched his body to her chest.... There were moments when others tried to soothe her.... tried to take his body, but she didn't loosen her grip.... She help him in a tight embrace not willing to let go...

And then....

Then her eyes found him... The icy blue eyes... Full of malice and pure evil.... Him, the murderer of her lover.... The one and only, Draco Malfoy.

Pure hatred surged through her mind, body, spirit.

Finally, she let go of Ron's body, only to aim her wand to his murderer.

There was nothing else that mattered.

There were just those pair of icy blue eyes and a voice inside her head that hissed,

"Kill him. Finish him off. He took everything from you. He took Ron from you, trapped you in this sham of a marriage, used your mind and body shamelessly. Kill him.... He is the sole villain in your life...  Kill him... He doesn't deserve to be on the face of earth.... Fini----sh him offfffffff....."

In a trance, she lifted her wand, opened her mouth-

"AVADA KADAV-  Auuuchmmffff!!!!!"

The pain at the corner of her forehead was sharp. And most probably her left ankle also got a bad sprint or crack.

She was lying face down on the floor near her bed. A dim light was coming from the fireplace of her very cozy and safe bedroom. There was no trace of the horrors of the cold, dark room, tortures, dead bodies..... except for the voice still whispering inside her head-

"Kill him.... Kill Draco Malfoy!"

At this terrifying suggestion, she jerked her face up from its present position only to come face to face with those very familiar icy blue eyes. But instead of coldness and malice, they were full of warmth, concern and love.

A/N: Hello, lovely readers!

Happy Sunday to you all.

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