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"I am certain that it is none other than Novokov Vasyutin who is behind all these", Hermione declared to the small gathering of friends in the living room of number twelve Grimmauld Place.

It was the fifth day from when Draco and Hermione left for Russia in the disguise of Mark and Pansy. They were still in disguise as they reached the Potter's place few hours back at the middle of the night.

After having a light late night snack, placing complicated security and silencing spells around the house, the Potters and Malfoys gathered in the living room to discuss the findings in Russia.

"Why are you so certain about it?" asked Ginny.

"Well, as we have discussed it before, whoever is doing this, has personal problems against the Malfoys only. If it were someone related to Voldemort or Death Eaters, why would they target only us? There are other families who played prominent parts in the war, there is the Chosen One! Please don't take it otherwise, Harry, but don't you think that they would see you die or suffer or having bad reputation, than killing Narcissa Malfoy or framing Draco as a Dark Wizard?"

"There is a fair chance that it can be Novokov", Harry said, "After you left for Russia, I thought that I would give this theory a try and asked the Auror team to research on ancient Russian magic for the memory charm. And you know what, they succeeded!"

"Really, Potter! And you are telling us now!"

"Shut up, Malfoy. It was only this evening that they found the spell and the spell only, not the reverse one. I have deployed the most expert spell breakers for the task. It would still take time to have a clear look in their memories. But, my point here is that everything is pointing towards someone of Russian origin."

"So, how do we find this guy? What is the last thing we know about him?" Ginny said.

"The last thing we know for sure that after twenty five years of imprisonment, he appealed for release on the ground that he was no more criminally insane and that he maintained good conduct for this whole period. His appeal was granted and he was released. This was eight years back."

"I don't know who certified him not to be criminally insane. But I definitely doubt the sanity of that very person", Draco added.

"Sane or not, eight years is a long time to plan for revenge", said Hermione quietly.

A tense silence fell into the room. The only sound was the crackling fire in the fireplace, which along with the prolonged shadows produced by its deem light, gave a more suspenseful tone to the silence.

"How is the public opinion about us?" asked Draco at length.

"I won't say satisfied or happy", said Harry, "They would be if you are given Dementor's kiss or tortured and killed publicly or something like that. But, at least, for now they are pacified to know that you are under house arrest. Anyway, I would say again and again, 'mione, your plan was brilliant!"

Hermione said, "I wanted our enemy to feel that his plan was working so that he would give us some rest for at least few days. Still, the plan won't be successful without Pansy and Mark volunteering to take our place. Speaking of that, we should go to the Malfoy Manor first thing in the morning, to relieve them."

"And no thanks to me for managing the Aurors to let you switch places and get hold of the Polyjuice Potion within an hour!" Harry feigned to be hurt.

"Oh, stop it, Harry! You know that I consider you the brother I never had. We have always got each other's back in the toughest of times. The day I woke up with a modified memory, you were the first one to calm down me. I am always thankful that we came to meet each other in life."

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