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The wizarding world of England was in an uproar.

An unknown and almost forgotten terror engulfed the wizarding community. For many, the situation was hard to believe. While for others, it was like "I knew this day would come! Now we are doomed all over again."

The situation was not altogether sudden. Rumours had been swirling around different circles about the unthinkable. Still, the human nature of clinging to the last straw of hope, prevented the rumours from being full fledged public opinion. But, on the other hand, these words spoken in whispers and discussed in hushed tones created a sublime environment of terror.

It was at this exact time when the most popular newspaper of wizarding England, The Daily Prophet, all but confirmed those long circulating rumours -


Daily Prophet. 29th October, 2013.

It has been fifteen years since the defeat of Lord Voldemort. It has been fifteen years since the wizarding Britain has experienced the level of terror it experienced at the time of the first and second Dark Era, as coined by historians, both of which came under the reign of the said dark wizard. For fifteen years, the wizarding Britain has been trying to get past those memories and trying to rebuild a better world.

But, certain families amongst us were not that happy with the lose of the Dark Lord. Families that reached the pinnacle of power and wealth in those times, suffered a great loss after the war was over and have always been planning to retaliate. The records from the Aurors office supports that statement. For last fifteen years, on an average seven to eight arrests were made every year, which were related to the Death Eaters or the Dark Lord.

But all of those minor plots or isolated threats become shadowed by the recent revelation of a much bigger plot to bring Lord Voldemort to life and start a new era of terror.

Last night in a deserted corner of Diagon Alley, a group of drunkards attacked a couple, Heath and Lavinia Adams. Mrs Adams is a Muggleborn witch working as an apprentice Healer at St Mungoes and Mr Adams is a Muggle doctor. They were totally outnumbered by their attackers and were tortured for approximately ten to fifteen minutes until the Aurors came to rescue them. The criminals were promptly arrested and were taken for questioning to the Auror's office. But just before that, one of those attackers cast the Dark Mark on the sky.

As expected, this sudden appearance of Dark Mark on the sky of Diagon Alley has terrorized the wizarding world, especially at a time when there is a fast spreading rumour about a Death Eater uprise.

Our sources inside the Ministry has confirmed that this rumour about Death Eaters uprise is indeed true and added another shocking revelation - the mastermind of this plot is none other than our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Draco Malfoy.

Draco Abraxus Malfoy, a reformed Death Eater, has a history with Lord Voldemort that goes long back. For generations, the Malfoy family has been an active supporter of movements for Pureblood superiority. The family has a long history of practicing dark magic and rituals. The dungeons of the Malfoy Manor are infamous for wartime tortures and murders of Muggle and Muggleborn captives.

A family of fanatics, Death Eaters, murderers and torturers - in short that is the description of the Malfoy family. So it is not at all surprising that the apple would not fall far from the tree. No matter whatever he did to gain the acceptance of the society post war, Draco Malfoy knew it by very well that his position was not as powerful as it would have been under the reign of Lord Voldemort. And that is a very strong motive to start a plot alongwith other Death Eaters to bring back the Dark Lord from death.

In June, Mr Malfoy was arrested due to a dark magic object that was found in his residence after a search by the Aurors. Our source at the ministry reveals that this object was actually some remnants of the body of Lord Voldemort. The investigation is still going on as Mr Malfoy is out on bail.

Now, after the event of last night, the wizarding community of Britain wants the strictest punishment for Mr Malfoy. It is not even unlikely that tomorrow morning, when you are reading this news, there might be a public gathering in front of the Ministry demanding the same.

As was predicted by The Daily Prophet, there was a large gatherings of wizards and witches in front of the Ministry.

"I told it from the beginning that there is nothing as 'Reformed Death Eater'. These people just changed sides at the last moment in favour of the winning party. But deep down, once a Death Eater is always a Death Eater!" said a bitter looking man in his late fifties.

"The new Government was always more forgiving than they should have been", added another.

"When my wife told me about the rumour, I didn't think much about it. Thought it was another silly neighborhood gossip. But now... I don't think I can survive another Dark Era."

An angry looking young woman said, "They tortured and killed my family in the Christmas holiday when I was only eleven. I was spared as I was at Hogwarts at that time. Those motherf*** didn't know that the Mudblood opted to stay at school over Christmas."

"Almost same as my story", said another man, "And now they are trying to start it all over again! These filthy creatures should be given Dementor's kiss."

"Nah... Not first. First those bu*** should be kicked on to their a** thoroughly", another middle aged witch spat.

Amongst this continued chaos, finally a Ministry official appeared in front of the crowd. With a flick of his wand, he conjured a raised platform and claimed on it. Then he touched the wand to his throat and said in an amplified voice, "Wizards and witches gathered here, the Head of Aurors Mr Harry Potter will speak to you now."

At the name of the Golden Boy, the Savior, a round of cheer raised from the crowd.

Harry Potter arrived at the scene after a few minutes, followed by a group of Aurors.

Climbing to the platform, he touched his wand to his throat and said in an amplified voice,

"Fellow witches and wizards, the Auror office is well aware of the rising fear in the wizarding community about the news of the Death Eater uprise. First of all, I want to assure you that there is nothing to be afraid of. The plan has been uncovered in time. The Auror office has deployed it's best Aurors to investigate this matter. We have already gathered names of everyone involved from the arrest that was made last nigh."

At this point someone shouted from the crowd, "Then where is Draco Bloody Malfoy?"

"We want to see him grovel in pain and begging for mercy!" Someone else added.

Harry Potter said calmly, "I have one request to you all. Please keep calm and do not take the laws in your hands. Let the designated departments do their work. The officials have already confronted Draco Malfoy and at present he is under arrest. Be rest assured that your security is in the right hands. Do not spread false rumours and panic. The main weapon of the terrorists is the creation of a terrorized environment. Do not let them succeed in this. Thank you."

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