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The silence that ensued the room was all compassing. As if it reached to the hearts of the occupants of the room, its chilly touch made them shiver, as if it clawed at their lungs, making it hard to breath.... The misty hood of deadly silence blocked their brain, affecting their senses.....

It was long after the horse disappeared into thin air with its silvery mist, that there was a sound of a faint cry and a dull thud.

As if waking up from a bad dream, Hermione looked around the room and surprisingly found that the faint cry actually came out from her throat. And the dull thud was the sound of Pansy Perkinson sitting on the floor as her woobly feet couldn't carry her weight anymore. Looking at Harry she could determine for how long he had been staring at the wall without blinking at all. And Taylor was supporting himself to the wall with one hand and his other hand was on his head as his mouth was open with an disbelieving expression.

Hermione was the first one to say something.

Looking particularly at no one, she asked, "Was it really what I think I heard?"

"Huh?" was the reply from a still bewildered Harry.

Other two didn't even try to say anything.

"I.... I have to see her now. I have to meet my daughter now!" said Hermione.

She didn't know from where these words came. She didn't know how this sudden surge of emotions overwhelmed her for the well-being of a daughter she didn't remember. It was as if somewhere deep down in her subconscious mind, the love and concern of a mother was still there, maybe latent, but still present despite all the altered memories, doubts and confusions. And just when the thought of harm to her child engulfed her soul, the mother inside her woke up in full glory.

She was no longer the confused and struggling wife, doubting her husband's innocence. Her eyes were blazing, her palms balled into fists, her posture upright - she was the ideal representation of a protective mother who was ready to fight anything and everything that might pose a danger to her child's safety.

Taylor and Pansy discussed something between themselves, after which Pansy said, "I want to come, too."

Hermione looked at her and said, "It's alright. You don't have to-"

"Yes, I have to. I absolutely have to! If I had any idea of what you have been going through this past weeks, I would have come much earlier, to stay beside you, to comfort you, help you. Hermione, as you do not remember any of our encounters, I would just tell you one thing - Draco saved my life and you gave me a new one. Whatever I have or whoever I have become today, is because of you. The very least I can do is to accompany you when you are going through such a difficult journey in your life."

The way she spoke these words and the sad expression in her eyes while she spoke, made Hermione realise that Pansy Perkinson had seen the harsh side of reality more than she deserved to see. It was also clear that the woman had a deep gratitude towards Hermione and Draco. It wouldn't be fair to her, if she were not given the chance to help them in their time of need.

"Please forgive me", said Hermione, "I had no idea....."

"So, can I come?" asked the other woman.

"Undoubtedly!" smiled Hermione.

Pansy also smiled. She said, "Then, the two of you go. We came here by side along Apparition. So, I have to also drop home Mark in the same way. After that I will come directly to the 12 Grimmould Place."

So, his name was Mark Taylor - thought Hermione.

Mark said in his naturally kind way of speaking, "Hermione, I would have come too. But I have to return home to see if the out little daughter has already scared her nanny away!"

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